I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 665 Yun Suu Missing 09

Chapter 665 Yun Suu Missing 09
In three months, from hot midsummer to slightly cool late autumn, the temperature in the capital is already cooling down in November.

Yan Xi once again set foot on the land of Huaguo's capital, but has not received a reply from Yunsu. Maybe he doesn't want to see her yet, but she still sent him a message as agreed.

I remembered that I said to contact each other when I parted with Huacuo last time, so I sent another message to Huacuo.

I received Hua Cuo's reply that night. He was not in the capital, and he was probably out on a mission.

Yan Xi checked into the Huachao Hotel, and called Nie Shen to say hello. Nie Shen's gunshot wound three months ago should be healed now.

Yan Xi lived in the hotel for a few days, and usually went to the hotel's gym to exercise during the day, and occasionally a man strikes up a conversation, which made her very helpless, if it was before, she might have thought about it.

This morning, the weather was a bit cold, Yan Xi put on his coat and went out. I haven't seen Yun Su for a long time. I don't know how he is recovering. Is he still in the medical rehabilitation center?

Yan Xi was a little worried. This kind of mobility impairment requires long-term training, strong willpower and patience. Even so, it may not be possible to return to the previous state.

When Yan Xi came to the training center, he still just stood outside the window.

Maybe it was because his figure was too dazzling, she saw him at a glance, and the worry just dissipated in an instant, it seemed that he was recovering very well.

The medical staff next to him are guiding him. He is running on the treadmill. His body is strong and his body is coordinated. He has already run very well.

Yan Xi had been watching silently, when suddenly he heard voices.

Two female nurses stood by the window, and now in late autumn, the windows were all open, and their conversation fell into Yan Xi's ears verbatim.

"His running posture is so handsome, I never thought he could be so handsome while running." Nurse A looked at someone intoxicated.

"It's like walking hormones." Nurse B exclaimed.

"I remember when he first came here, the doctor said that it was almost impossible for his left leg to return to the state of running. Now he is running!"

"Miracle always happens to those who work hard. He never rests and trains every day for nearly half a year." She has worked as a nurse here for many years, and few patients can last for half a year.

Patients who can persist, the results are generally not too bad.

But many patients will eventually give up on themselves, which requires not only physical persistence, but also psychological strength.

"The doctor said that there is no problem with his daily life and general exercise. Why is he still not discharged?"

"I don't know, let's take a look at him while he's still here." Nurse A looked reluctant.

"I've never seen a young woman come to visit him. He must still be single. Maybe we still have a chance." Nurse B's eyes lit up.

"I've never seen him smile. He should be the kind of difficult man. Many nurses and female doctors have approached him, and he seems very cold."

"Women like this kind of cool man, this is the challenge!" Nurse B said.

"The difficulty is too high. He should not be an ordinary person. The doctors and nurses who instruct him to train are all the top doctors and nurses in the center. Even the director of the hospital has come several times in person. His family members come with servants and bodyguards. , His family must not be simple, and commoners like us have no chance." Nurse A said, she is still very aware of the reality of being well-matched.

(End of this chapter)

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