689 Chapter 03
This morning, there was fine snow in the sky, and the entire capital was covered in snow.

Indoor heating is adequate.

Before dawn, Yan Xi had already woken up, standing in front of the window, looking at the hazy snow scene outside the window.

She needed a way to vent her hatred, and she was biding her time.

Investigating Cheng Yuan's recent itinerary, Cheng Yuan seldom showed up in recent years, and occasionally met with former colleagues, or was invited to attend certain important occasions.

Cheng Yuan suffers from coronary heart disease. If he develops the disease and does not receive timely treatment, he may die of myocardial infarction at any time.

Until nine o'clock in the morning, the phone on the desk rang, and Yan Xi answered the call.

"Yan Xi, where are you?" Nie Shen asked. She had disappeared for many days and never said where she was.

"I'm in the capital."

"That's great, today is your birthday, you come to my place for dinner." Nie Shen is very happy. She is usually very busy and often travels all over the world. It is rare that today coincides with her birthday and she is in the capital again. He has already prepared a birthday gift .

"Uncle Nie, I'm very sorry, I have something to do recently." Yan Xi politely refused, as she was not in the mood to celebrate her birthday at the moment.

Hearing this, Nie Shen was a little disappointed and worried, but he didn't force himself.

Regarding Wei Ke's case, the police have never found the murderer who shot Wei Ke, which became the biggest suspicious point in this case, but he didn't understand why Yan Xi investigated it privately.

"Are you still investigating Wei Ke's case?"

"No, I have some... private matters." Yan Xi said, the case is over, but her hatred is not over yet.

Nie Shen heard this, since she said it was a private matter, he didn't ask.

"Well, happy birthday, if you want a gift, you can come to me to get it at any time."

"Thank you, Uncle Nie." Yan Xi gradually felt that Nie Shen was like her relatives and elders.

Not long after hanging up, there was a familiar caller number.

Yan Xi hesitated for a moment before answering the call.

"Yan Xi, where are you?" Hua Cuo's voice was nasal, as if he had a cold.


"I'm going back to the capital. I should be able to go back tonight. Where are you in the capital? I'll go find you." Hua Cuo was a little surprised. He just finished his mission and tried to get to the capital before today.

"No, I have something to do." She doesn't want to see people recently.

Hua Cuo paused, feeling a little disappointed, today is her birthday, is she with Yun Su?

Soon, Hua wrong tone said relaxedly: "In this way, I remember your birthday today, happy birthday, I will give you another gift when we meet next time."

Yan Xi said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Have you had breakfast?" Hua Cuo chatted with her, and it's more than nine o'clock in the morning in the capital.

"Not yet." Yan Xi had no appetite.

"Are you in a bad mood today?" Hua Cuo tentatively asked, and she could vaguely hear that her tone seemed unusually calm, not as relaxed and natural as usual, and she usually had breakfast around eight o'clock, wasn't Yun Su by her side? ?
Yan Xi was silent for a moment, but in the end, she didn't deny it: "A little bit."

After Hua heard it wrong, she was shocked and at a loss. Maybe he wasn't around her often, maybe she didn't show her emotions, her personality was a little cold, and sometimes she might get angry, but she never felt as heavy as she is today.

She seemed very sad because of Yun Su's disappearance before, but she recovered quickly.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Hua Cuo's mood was a bit complicated, and was it because of Yun Su?

"I'll settle the matter soon. Do you have a cold?" Yan Xi skipped the topic, and his voice seemed to have a cold.

"A little bit, and I'll be fine soon." Hua Cuo frowned. He hadn't had a cold for many years, and his body resistance had always been strong.

"Have you taken medicine?"

"Eat." Hua Cuo was deeply moved, it felt so good to be cared by her.

"Goodbye then."

"Goodbye, you remember to eat breakfast." Hua Cuo reminded.

Yan Xi responded, and after hanging up, he called the hotel customer service and brought up a breakfast.


(End of this chapter)

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