691 Chapter 05
It was snowing heavily, and Haimi Mountain was completely white. At the foot of the mountain, there was a warning sign that no entry was allowed. In the current weather, there was a danger of avalanches.

Yan Xi was wearing a black coat with a hood and a hat, fine snowflakes fell on her body.

Walk into Haimi Mountain and walk up to the pine forest pavilion along the stone steps.

The gazebo is empty on all sides, and there are only trees around it for shelter, but they can't keep out the cold.

I saw an old figure in the gazebo.

Yan Xi was not surprised, he took the initiative to look for her before she looked for him.

Cheng Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the snow-colored mountain scenery, his back was slightly bent due to old age, but it was still stiff and imposing.

"Aren't you afraid to see me?" Cheng Yuan turned around and looked at Yan Xi sharply, unexpectedly she was so calm.

"Aren't you the one who should be afraid?" Yan Xi's voice suppressed the raging hatred, and his black eyes seemed to be burning with hatred.

Cheng Yuan's expression changed, did she already know that he tricked her out?She contacted Yunsu?

"Did you tell Yunsu?"

"No." Yan Xi didn't tell anyone, this was a grievance between her and Cheng Yuan, and it had nothing to do with Yun Su.

Hearing this, Cheng Yuan was skeptical. Yun Su called him just now, but he didn't answer.Because no matter what, the matter is a foregone conclusion today.

All evidence has disappeared, and Wei Ke is dead. Even if Wei Ke said something to Yan Xi, Yan Xi can't find any evidence.

"Yanxi, what do you want to know?"

"You shouldn't ask, I already know something." Yan Xi said with a half-smile.

"Tell me." Cheng Yuan's expression remained unchanged. If she had already found the evidence, she didn't need to come to see him at all. She could just let him be ruined!
"20 years ago, you already knew Li Xiaotian. He was your informant. He provided you with information and made you make meritorious deeds many times. Later, Li Xiaotian became a drug dealer himself. He still provided you with information, just to destroy him. Li Xiaotian quickly became a local drug lord, he gave you intelligence and money, and you gave him convenience in drug trafficking, and you became a mutually beneficial relationship..."

"Nonsense!" Cheng Yuan interrupted her angrily.

"If I'm talking nonsense, why are you angry?" Yan Xi's lips curled into a cruel smile, she just wanted to see Cheng Yuan get angry.

"You!" Cheng Yuan stared at her fiercely. He was sure that she was just testing him.

"As time goes by, you know that Li Xiaotian can't stay. You want to kill him, but he holds your evidence. You check and balance each other, so you can only let him go abroad, but you are still worried that one day he will report you after he is arrested. In fact, Li Xiaotian is quite a person. For the sake of morality, he never talked about his relationship with you, and he didn't report you when he was dying."

Yan Xi had been lurking by Li Xiaotian's side for nearly four years and knew Li Xiaotian very well. She saw Li Xiaotian die in the explosion with her own eyes.

"It's all your fabrication! Do you have evidence?" Cheng Yuan said coldly, even if Yan Xi knew, so what, without evidence, what can he do?
"I have enough evidence to ruin your reputation!" Yan Xi said word by word.

"What evidence?" Cheng Yuan asked calmly, then just destroy the evidence!

"You ordered Wei Ke to kill me. Before he died, he told me that he was afraid that you would kill him to silence him, so he had already collected your evidence and hid them in one place. I found them," Yan Xi said.

"I don't know Wei Ke at all, where is the so-called criminal evidence?" Cheng Yuan stared at Yan Xi suspiciously.

"Do you want to destroy the criminal evidence?" Yan Xi seemed to see through his intention.

"You have no so-called criminal evidence at all!" Cheng Yuan said firmly, if she found the evidence, why did she still come to see him?
"Wei Ke also told me that you sent someone to kill my parents because my parents found out your incriminating evidence! I found your incriminating evidence from my parents' belongings!" Yan Xi's eyes were red, and every word was filled with deep emotion. hate!
Cheng Yuan's face was livid, and panic finally appeared in his eyes. If Yan Xi handed over the criminal evidence to the country, he would be imprisoned in his later years, and his life would be completely ruined. He is not afraid of death, but the honor of a soldier is better than life, and even the whole The Cheng family was destroyed in his hands!
"My parents are dead. You asked me to go to Interpol and kill Li Xiaotian with my hands, because you knew that I would definitely find the murderer. You gave me a murderer, so I always thought that the culprit was Li Xiaotian!" Xi finally understood why Cheng Yuan came to her.

Cheng Yuan's old body trembled a little. When he saw Yan Xi at that time, he knew that the girl was lonely and brave, and there was a kind of hatred in her eyes that seemed to destroy the world.

If she wasn't a child of words, if Cheng An had brought her to Cheng's house back then, it would have been great. He didn't have to separate Yun Su and her, and he didn't have to kill her.

"You forged evidence! It's all forgery! If you have real evidence, why don't you hand it over to the country, why are you confronting me here?"

"I don't want to implicate your family, I don't want to implicate Yun Su, I just want to vent my hatred in a way!" Yan Xi felt that he had become a devil and lost his rationality and humanity.

Cheng Yuan's old body could barely support him. He could bear any punishment, but he could not lose the honor of the soldier, the reputation of the Cheng family, and the future of his descendants.

Cheng Yuan's aura collapsed in an instant, leaving only helplessness and panic, and his voice was weak: "So, where is the evidence?"

Yan Xi said, "Of course it's in my hands."

Cheng Yuan looked at her with a rough and hoarse voice: "Is it only in your hand? Isn't it in someone else's hand?"

Yan Xi said, "No."

Cheng Yuan's eyes gradually filled with viciousness and determination, so as long as she was killed, the evidence would be destroyed.

Cheng Yuan asked: "If Yun Su knows, do you think he chooses you or the Cheng family?"

Yan Xi said, "I don't know, and I don't need to know, because he doesn't have to choose."

A trace of suspicion flashed across Cheng Yuan's eyes: "What do you mean?"

"I don't have proof, it's all just my guess, but now I have it." Yan Xi took out a recording pen.

Cheng Yuan was furious, his eyes fixed on the recording pen in her hand, he was so angry that he almost had a seizure, but he soon calmed down.

"Do you think you can get out of Mount Haimi?"

"If you want to kill me, you can have someone shoot you." Yan Xi showed no trace of fear.

Cheng Yuan's face changed suddenly, and he slowly reached into his pocket to find the phone, and pressed a button.

There was no gunfire, no color, only the sound of the wind remained.

She already knew that there was a killer in ambush nearby?
"You! What do you want..." Cheng Yuan's breathing became difficult, and he covered his violently heaving chest.

Yan Xi didn't speak, just looked at his frightened face, she didn't have the slightest pleasure of revenge in her heart, only hatred, even if Cheng Yuan died, her parents' lives could not be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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