693 Chapter 07
The old man of the Cheng family, Cheng Yuan, died of a sudden myocardial infarction. Cheng Yuan was once a general and was highly respected. The funeral was extremely solemn and grand. Many high-ranking officials came to mourn the funeral, and the country's top leaders also came to mourn the funeral in person.

Today, white flags were hung at Cheng's house, and the mourning hall was gloomy. Unexpectedly, the old man left so suddenly.

Nie Shen also came. He originally wanted to tell Yan Xi about the death of Old Master Cheng and come to mourn the funeral with Yan Xi. After all, Cheng An and Yan Ci were brothers in love, but thinking that Yan Xi and Yun Su had broken up, he gave up.

When Nie Shen met Yun Su, he wanted to talk to Yun Su about Yan Xi, but today was not suitable, and seeing Yun Su so sad again.

Yun Su's father died young, and Yun Su and Mr. Cheng were very close.

It was getting dark, and the people who came to mourn the funeral left one after another.

Until late at night, only my family members were in the Cheng family's mansion. After a hasty dinner, the whole family gathered in the mourning hall.

The old man passed away, and the eldest son Cheng Bang became the head of the family.

There is one thing that no one mentioned, why did the old man suddenly go to Haimi Mountain alone to see the scenery, and why did he suddenly get sick? It was Yun Su who brought the old man back at that time. .

The doctor said that the old man did not take any medicine before the onset of the disease, and no medicine was found in his pocket.

"Yun Su, why did your grandfather suddenly get sick?" Cheng Bang felt a little guilty. Before his father died, he was not in front of his father as a son.

Yun Su looked sad, with heavy shackles hidden in his heart, he almost wanted to speak but did not speak.

"Yun Su, did your grandfather say any last words and confessions before he died?" the uncle asked, and only Yun Su knew about the situation at that time.

Everyone looked at Yun Su. The old man loved Yun Su the grandson the most, and nothing was more sad than Yun Su.

Yun Su was silent for a long time, and his heart fell into endless struggle and pain. He kept persuading himself to believe her, but every time he recalled her cold and ruthless eyes, he felt cold all over his body.

"Yun Su, if you're tired, go back to your room and rest first." Cheng Mu said softly, if her son doesn't want to talk, don't press him!The old man passed away, but the son didn't say a word, and the son was sadder than anyone else!

Yun Su didn't dare to look directly at the coffin on the mourning hall, and said slowly, "Grandpa said to go to Haimi Mountain to see the scenery in the afternoon, and then I called him, but he didn't answer the phone, so I went to Haimi Mountain..."

Everyone looked at Yun Su nervously, waiting for Yun Su to continue.

"I went to the pavilion in the pine forest and saw grandpa lying on the ground, he was out of breath..." Yun Su felt a lump in his throat, thinking of the medicine bottle that rolled down the mountain and the black muzzle of the gun, he was suffering a great pain in his heart condemn.

Everyone was full of sadness. If grandpa didn't go to Haimi Mountain, maybe he wouldn't be ill.

"At this time, Haimi Mountain is forbidden to enter. It was still snowing heavily yesterday. My father knew that he was not in good health, so why did he go to the scenic spot alone? Why didn't he even take the driver and guard with him? There are so many people in the family, and no one stopped my father from going out. Why? Someone has to accompany father to go out." Cheng Bang couldn't figure it out, with a heartbroken expression on his face.

Hearing this, Cheng's mother was upset. Uncle was blaming Yun Su for not stopping the old man from going out, and not going out with the old man?Everyone knows that the old man says one thing and one thing, he insists on going out, who can stop him?
"It's late at night, Yun Su, go back to the room first." Mother Cheng said, pulling her son away.

Yun Su's body was stiff, and he followed Cheng Mu away in a daze.


(End of this chapter)

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