I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 743 An Unexpected Kiss 07

Chapter 743 An Unexpected Kiss 07
Hua changed into sportswear by mistake, and planned to go for a run with her first.

But Yan Xi said, instead of running this morning, go to have breakfast first.

Hua Cuo was taken aback, why didn't she run today, is she not feeling well?Was he too brave last night?
"Then I'll make breakfast!" He's going to make a hearty breakfast for her to replenish her strength!
"No, go out to eat, hurry up." Yan Xi hurried away.

Hua Cuo was puzzled, and quickly followed her footsteps.

After breakfast, Yan Xi went to a pharmacy.

"What to buy?" Hua Cuo asked worriedly, what's wrong with her?
Yan Xi ignored him, just walked to the cashier and said he wanted a box of emergency contraceptive pills.

There are two people at the cash register, one is a middle-aged woman wearing a nurse's overalls.One is a middle-aged uncle, wearing a white coat, who is the manager of this pharmacy.

The middle-aged woman yelled and asked the staff to bring a box of X-brand contraceptives.

It was only then that Hua Cuo realized what mistake he had made. He didn't think about it at the time. Maybe the chance of her getting pregnant is extremely slim, but accidents cannot be guaranteed. Even if she is pregnant, she should not be able to have a child.

The uncle looked at the two of them strangely, and said, "This emergency contraceptive pill, taken within 72 hours, has a contraceptive effect of more than 99%. If you want to say that there is still 1%, then I can only congratulate you..."

Yan Xi interrupted his nonsense: "I see, how much?"

The uncle didn't pay the bill immediately, but continued: "However, this kind of emergency contraception is more harmful to the body and cannot be taken frequently. Contraception is not only for women, but some men now..."

The middle-aged woman looked at Hua Cuo with disdain.

Huacuo heard the implication, and also noticed the middle-aged woman's eyes, and he blushed suddenly.

The uncle kept looking at Hua Cuo, but he didn't show any sign when he saw Hua Cuo. Even as a man, he felt that this man was a bit scumbag.

The atmosphere was a little stiff, the uncle was holding a box of contraceptive pills, but he didn't pay the bill.

The eyes of the middle-aged woman became more and more contemptuous and mocking. This man looks like a man, but when looking for a man, you can't just look for a handsome man.

Hua Cuo didn't know what to do. He knew he had made a mistake, but he couldn't fix it.

Yan Xi didn't speak, but just glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

The uncle finally couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and took a box of things from the shelf, and said, "This X-brand ultra-thin condom, as long as it is used correctly, the contraceptive success rate reaches 98%. The key point is that it is easy to use, has no side effects, and prevents infection." , zero touch, some men say that using condoms is uncomfortable, it is just a psychological effect."

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, and finally understood what these two people meant at this moment.

"It also has a very important function, which can prolong the time." The uncle handed the box of men's products to Hua Cuo.

Hua Cuo suddenly thought that he behaved so-so last night, and he behaved badly for the first time.

Huacuo wanted to pick it up but didn't dare to pick up what was in front of her. She glanced at her quietly. This was a kind of temptation. Accepting it meant having sex with her again and again.

"Brother, do you want to buy it or not?" The uncle put on a serious face, if you don't buy it, I will scold you!

"Buy." Hua Cuo's heart was full of excitement, maybe it would be needed tonight.

The uncle finally showed a smile, checked out immediately, put the two boxes of things in a bag, and handed them to Hua Cuo.

Hua Cuo took the bag, thinking a little too much.

Back home, Yan Xi immediately took an emergency contraceptive pill to prevent any accidents.


(End of this chapter)

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