I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 748 Formal Dating 02

Chapter 748 Formal Dating 02
Yan Xi looked at him gloomyly: "When did you take off your clothes?"

Hua wrongly blinked his eyes, he didn't sleep well last night, and he took off his clothes while she was asleep.

"Don't take off your clothes when you sleep with me." Yan Xi was depressed. It's not bad to sleep naked, and he was right, but it seriously affected her.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about whether I'm wearing clothes or not, I don't mind, and my whole body...you have touched it." Hua Cuo said in a lower voice, looking at her ambiguously.

"..." Yan Xi had nothing to say, this was an undeniable fact.

The corners of Hua Cuo's lips rose, thinking she agreed, but her next move made his smile freeze, and his body suddenly became stiff.

Yan Xi's eyes were clear, and the hand under the quilt moved to his body.

Huacuo looked at her helplessly, all senses surrounding her hands.

After a while, Hua Cuo's face turned red, and her body softened uncontrollably, but it's not possible now, and besides, she was just punishing him.

Hua Cuo's voice was hoarse and pleading: "Yan Xi, don't be like this..."

A trace of evil interest flashed in Yan Xi's eyes, watching his emotional state.

Hua wrong's breathing gradually became short, and there was a slight gasp deep in his throat. He gave up and let her hands mess around his body.

However, at this moment, Yan Xi got up and left to wash up in the bathroom.

Huacuo instantly became depressed, she definitely did it on purpose.

Hua Cuo lifted the quilt and let the cold air blow in, and then he calmed down.

After washing up, Hua wrongly introduced her to the newly bought treadmill, which has more functions.

The weather is so cold now that it is not suitable for outdoor running, and there is no suitable running venue near here.

For the sake of this treadmill, and thinking that today is his birthday, Yan Xi suddenly felt that he had gone too far just now.

Yan Xi ran, spent time lifting dumbbells and doing push-ups, and then switched over.

The days seemed to go back to the time in Jingyang City.

At eight o'clock, it took a mistake to make breakfast.

Hua Cuo said that he would go shopping in the supermarket for a while. The supermarket usually doesn't open until ten o'clock, and it's still early.

After breakfast, Yan Xi went back to his room to change his clothes and prepared to go out in a while.

Hua Cuo suddenly remembered something, I don't know if she knew it.

So, he sat down on the chair and turned on the computer.

"Yan Xi, there are no newsstands near here, so you can't read the news. You can use my computer to read the news anytime."

"Yeah." Yan Xi responded, in fact, she wasn't very keen on reading the news, she just got used to it, just looked at it casually, and she also had a notebook, so she didn't need his computer.

Hua Cuo glanced at her quietly and saw that she was looking for clothes.

So, he moved the mouse, clicked on the webpage, entered keywords to search, and immediately found dozens of reports.

Hua mistakenly chose a report with the most complete content, the hottest news, and the most comments.

"Yan Xi, come and watch the news."

"I don't look at it, you look at it." Yan Xi took his clothes and was going to the bathroom to change.

"Yanxi, I saw a breaking news about Jingyang City, come here!" Hua Cuo immediately called her to stop, this really happened in Jingyang City.

Yan Xi heard that it was Jingyang City, so he walked over to have a look, but when he saw the picture and title on the screen, it was about Jingyang City?
Hua Cuo secretly observed her expression.

The man in the picture is still so flamboyant and eye-catching, looking at the woman next to him with doting eyes, the woman is bright and charming, tugging on his tie arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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