Chapter 759
There were five helicopters in the sky, heading south all the way.

These five helicopters were originally used for the funeral of the Secretary of State, but now they have to be used to escort the dignitaries of country B.

Air Force One and Air Force Two carry several of the most important political figures in Country B.

Air Force Three, Navy One and Navy Two served as escorts.

Yan Xi was flying Naval No. [-], she was not very familiar with this helicopter, so she put on her earphones and followed Air Force No. [-] as instructed.

Now the enemy does not know which helicopter is carrying the dignitaries of country B, and it is very likely that they will attack any helicopter at any time.

Suddenly, a long cloud of smoke passed in front of us, chasing Air Force Two in front, and the president was in Air Force Two!

Yan Xi took a closer look, it was a missile!

The pilot of Air Force Two reacted quickly and immediately fired a decoy round.

Bang!The missile hit the decoy round, and there was a burst of flames and thick smoke.

Seeing this, Yan Xi was still a little terrified, and then the commander's voice came out from the earphones.

"Attention all pilots! The enemy is firing Stinger missiles! Find their position!"

Yan Xi heard the order, looked down, and saw someone on the roof who was equipping missiles.

Yan Xi said, "At the nine o'clock direction of Navy No. [-], there are enemies on the roof."

"Received!" The commander immediately dispatched guards to deal with the enemy.

Just when Yan Xi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the red light on the control panel kept flashing and a warning beep sounded, indicating that the helicopter was locked by a missile.

S`hit!Yan Xi cursed a curse word in his heart, held the steering column tightly, turned sharply to the left, and at the same time fired a decoy bomb.

A flickering shattered light emanated from the tail of the helicopter, and the Stinger missile hit the shattered light and exploded with a bang.

Yan Xi controlled the steering column and continued to follow Air Force One. She didn't know where she was going, but seeing the dense houses on the ground, she didn't know how many shooters were hiding.

Helicopters have limited decoy rounds, but enemy missiles cannot be metered.

The helicopter will be locked by the missile at any time.

Flames and smoke constantly burst into the air, and the sound of terrible explosions can be heard endlessly.

"There are enemies at eleven o'clock on Haijun No. [-], and there are enemies at two o'clock!" Yan Xi frowned, as he was being tracked by missiles along the way, and the enemy most likely had already occupied this area.

"Received!" There was a trace of panic in the commander's voice. The original plan was to go south, but under the current situation, he might have been shot down before he escaped from this area.

A loud bang!
The Stinger missile hit the Marine One helicopter, sending it into flames and black smoke as it disintegrated in the air and debris fell to the ground.

Everyone turned pale with horror.

The police officer watched as Marine One disintegrated, tears streaming down his eyes involuntarily. He was the one who let the guard drive Marine One just now.

Yan Xi's heart tightened, and a heavy voice came out of the earphones.

"Navy One has been shot down, please pay attention to Navy Two!" the commander reminded in a heavy tone.

"Received!" Yan Xi calmed down, looking at the control panel showing that there were very few decoy bombs left.

The war zone in the air is getting more and more intense, and the enemies on the ground seem to be endless. This is a well-planned terrorist attack!
Then came the bad news.

"Air Force Two's decoy missiles are exhausted." There was a tremor in the pilot's voice, with the President, his wife, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives right behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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