Chapter 788
After the cold winter, the lifeless spring, and the hot summer, finally ushered in another year of autumn.

Yan Xi spent a whole year in Nuvash Prison.

On this day, Yan Xi, Amanda and the others were looking at the untouchable outside in the open space as usual.

The sky is clear outside, but it doesn't belong to them.

Two guards arrive and are about to take Amanda away.

Amanda's expression was extremely complicated. She stood for a long time, looking at Yan Xi and Laura, unable to speak for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Laura didn't know why. Usually, the prison guards asked Amanda to go to see her family. Why didn't Amanda leave?
"Goodbye." Amanda said the word with difficulty.

"What did you say?" Laura didn't respond for a moment.

Amanda pursed her lips, she could finally leave here, she didn't know what would happen in her future life, would she become a winner like her sister, or continue her unruly behavior?
Laura's complexion changed, her eyes were full of disbelief, and her voice trembled: "What did you say? You said goodbye? Are you leaving here?"

Amanda didn't speak, just turned around and followed the prison guards away.

Laura rushed up like crazy, grabbed Amanda, and shouted: "Amanda! You said goodbye? No goodbye at all! You lied to us! Can you get out of here?"

Amanda stood still, letting Laura drag her. She never said that she couldn't leave here. She knew that her parents would try to reduce her sentence. She deeply understood the power of power.

The prison guard immediately tore Laura away.

"Amanda! Help me! I want to get out of here too! I've had enough! I'm going to die!" Laura twisted her face and grabbed Amanda's prison uniform tightly.

Amanda looked sad, she also wanted to save Laura, but she couldn't.

The prison guard shouted impatiently: "Separate!"

One prison guard drags Lola, and another prison guard takes Amanda away.

"Ah! Amanda! Don't go! Help me!" Laura's eyes were red, like a dying devil, watching Amanda's back go away.

Amanda didn't look back, and walked away step by step.

Until Amanda disappeared, Laura fell to the ground, staring blankly at the gray sky.

Everyone watched this scene in misery, each of them was like Lola.


The struggle in the prison continues, as if only in this way can he prove that he is alive.

Amanda left the prison, and Lola and the others could no longer get tobacco, alcohol and drugs, and had nothing to exchange, and they were surrounded by gangs from other districts at any time.

Yan Xi is like a trapped animal fighting, facing a fight at any time, resulting in bruises all over his body, and then doing push-ups and handstands in the narrow cell every day.

Laura was completely desperate, even if she was beaten, she would not fight back, like a walking dead.

On this day, Laura hid in the bathroom and swallowed all the remaining pills and drugs. When she was found, she had no signs of life.

Yan Xi stood at the bathroom door, watching the medical staff carry Laura away.

Yan Xi looked at all this indifferently. She had long realized that Laura had the tendency to commit suicide, but she neither persuaded nor stopped her.

Because she didn't know what to persuade, and she didn't know how to stop it.

She regards the law as the only judge. Since she violated the law, she should accept the punishment of the law.

But at this moment, she was shaken. What is the judge of the world?
I remember Lu Li once said that she was just a pawn of the judge.


(End of this chapter)

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