Sign in to the NBA stadium and create an invincible striker

Chapter 264 Decisive Battle on the Top of the World

Chapter 264 Decisive Battle on the Top of the World
Su Yi's wonderful performance made the Turkish fans in the stadium boil.

So exciting!
Humans can do this kind of thing!

The Serbian counterattack soon came.

Krstic was ashamed and brave, and singled Dayao several times in a row, but he was beaten back by Dayao in the next round.

And Su Yi also shredded Serbia's defense line from time to time, and asked for anything in the opponent's defensive position, as if entering no one's land.

Teodosic was not far behind.He took advantage of his excellent assist skills, and he just sent out 7 assists at the end of the first quarter, and three of them were three-pointers from long shots.

However, Serbia's desperate counterattack did not affect the direction of the ending.

When there were only 20 seconds left in the fourth quarter, the ball was still in the hands of the Chinese team, and Serbia was already more than six points behind.

After Su Yi easily hit the last three-pointer, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game.


99: 90.

The Chinese men's basketball national team has historically won tickets to the final!

The Serbian players left in tears with regret.

However, they won Su Yi's inner respect.

Su Yi feels that this Serbian men's basketball national team is really difficult to deal with. The most important thing is that they are still very young. In time, it will be a major obstacle for Su Yi to win the World Championship.

Dayao, on the other hand, hugged Su Yi with surprise tears in his eyes.

Even Director Li, who has always been calm, threw himself into the embrace of the Chinese team members.

The dream of Chinese basketball players has made them wait too long!

Now, the dream is about to come true, and they have a right to celebrate.

Su Yi felt the joy of his teammates from the bottom of his heart, and all the hard work along the way turned into sweetness.

He has only one idea now.

That is to use his own strength to win the first men's basketball world championship for the motherland!

After the interview, Su Yi returned to the hotel where the Chinese team resided with the team bus.

The celebratory feast begins again.

This turned out to be what Director Li asked, and he wanted to console the young men under him.

In these days of the World Championships, they really started from the training camp and have been working hard for the motherland.

Now, winning the World Championship finals means that the runner-up of the World Championships has been in the bag. No matter what the result is against the US team, they will be regarded as the hero generation of the Chinese men's basketball team after returning to China.

And Li Cunjiang, the head coach, will definitely be considered the best gold medal coach in China.

This made Director Li put down the shelf and sat in a private room with the players, and everyone enjoyed the fruit and dishes.

However, the wine is not drinkable, just replace it with water.

After all, the people in this private room are all professional athletes, and their self-discipline awareness is also a professional level.

However, after Su Yi ate a few mouthfuls, he proposed the idea of ​​going to the hotel gym for additional training.

Instructor Li sighed in his heart: Sure enough, there is no reason to be strong for no reason.

What else can I say?Of course yes.

This is like an employee asking for instructions from the company boss. He wants to work overtime for free to contribute to the company. Which boss would foolishly refuse?

After instructing Su Yi a few words, what to pay attention to control intensity, etc., and then Director Li let go.

As soon as Su Yi left for less than 5 minutes, Dayao also walked up to Director Li with a smile on his face, asking him for instructions that he also wanted to practice more.

In this way, Zhu Ba, Sun Yue, Liu Wei, UAE and other starters asked for instructions one after another, and Director Li had to agree.

My heart is happy.

Look at the members of our Chinese team, you need to ask me for instructions to train yourself, hehe.

Not to mention how satisfied Li Cunjiang was, he said that after the Chinese team's starting five tigers arrived at the hotel gym, the five immediately formed a tea party and chatted about the US team while training.

As the eldest brother, Dayao is also the No.1 player who really became famous after going to the NBA. His contacts and news in the United States are unmatched by others.

According to the grapevine, Anthony and the old BJ both rejected the 2010 World Championships.

No matter how hard the USA Basketball Association shouted, the two superstars were indifferent.

Originally, I wanted to imitate the American Basketball Association, which formed a super luxurious lineup in the 2008 World Championships. Now there is no other way, so I have to find other players to form the current dream nine team.

However, what Su Yi expected was that Lao Ke really participated in this competition.

Nominally the leaders of the team are Billups and Lamar Odom, but in fact, if it really depends on these two, I am afraid that the US team is a round after qualifying from the group.

The real trump card this time is actually a death god Durant.

Reaper, who has not yet fully developed, just beat the old BJ with an average of 30+ points per game and won the championship of the NBA scoring champion. It can be said that he is winning the limelight.

On the court, the only star who can compete with Su Yi is Durant.

This team is full of talent on the perimeter and at small forward.

Curry, Gordon Jr., Westbrook, Billups, Rose in the guard position, Durant, Granger, Guy, Love, and Brother Yi in the small forward position are all future superstars or first-class Stars, in fact, the lineup is not mediocre at all.

The real weakness of the Dream Nine is their weakness in the interior.

Center Chandler is more of a defensive end, and his means on offense are still very single.And the power forward Odom is at most an auxiliary role. If Odom is to support the US team, it is estimated that the US team has long been cold.

Therefore, this time the US team can only play small ball tactics.

This is the consequence of the NBA's use of rules to "castrate" the inside line for the sake of ratings. It is even more unpopular to be a center. Many outstanding center seedlings have switched careers to other careers, which has caused the current "inside shortage" of the US team.

Chandler is indeed very strong in defense. He is called the gate of interior defense, and there is no problem with it. In the previous life, the New York Knicks relied on Chandler to defend the interior so that no flies could fly in.

Not only the excellent jumping and the best pick-and-roll capital, but Chandler is also known as the boxing champion, and can be described as a solid protector of the team.

Anyone who has watched Chandler play knows that this guy is the cake king in the early days of the NBA. All his methods of attacking the highlight moment are all air dunks, and his blood cap is quite beautiful.

Not commensurate with his burly appearance, Chandler's defensive IQ is high.

Therefore, Dayao has already studied Chandler's previous videos, and he is confident to give Chandler a "surprise".

The second core star of the Chinese team is undoubtedly Su Yi.

In the chat with his teammates, Su Yi realized that the most suitable position does not need to be discussed any more, only he can limit the harvest of the god of death.

If Zhu Ba of the CBA level is used to defend Durant, then the Chinese team will simply surrender, and there is really no need to play.

However, in this way, Sun Yue's defense is not bad for the position of guard.And Liu Wei's defense is very painful.

Therefore, the five starting five tigers of the Chinese team all believe that the final two days later will be a feast for Biao.

The more the two teams compare will be who scores more.

Whether it's Durant, who has a decent defensive ability, or Liu Wei, who is at the CBA level, they can't limit the scoring of their opposing stars.

Depends on who gets more points.

To put it bluntly, the outcome of the final is actually in the hands of Dayao, Su Yi and UAE. Whether the trident of the Chinese team can pierce the banner of the American team is something that no one can predict.

So several people practiced more and more vigorously, and unknowingly, two hours passed.


Early the next morning.

After Su Yi and the others finished their morning training, they were summoned by Director Li to the conference room where the hotel was located.

At this moment, Director Li's face is full of seriousness, which makes one look away from all impetuousness and begin to return to the rhythm of preparing for the final.

After all the members of the Chinese national team were seated, Director Li cleared his throat and began to lay out tactics.

"I know you're all excited. Yesterday's celebration dinner was also my request. However, I hope this is over. We are now facing the American Dream Nine, a team of NBA stars. Although Kobe and James did not agree to participate in the war, the Dream Nine teams are all first-class stars who are not experienced in international competitions, and there are no superstars. However, we can't despise our opponents, especially the Dream Team in every session. It is definitely not a good partner." Director Li saw the sloppy state of the team members, so he sternly reminded everyone that they will face a tough battle!
Sure enough, after listening to Li's words, all the mental states of the national team became serious.

Yesterday's relaxation really made them subconsciously think the World Championships are over.

Although the Chinese team has made a historic breakthrough in this World Championship, who doesn't want to go further and become the "Diamond Generation" that remembers the history of the Chinese men's basketball team?

Director Li was very satisfied with everyone's serious attitude, so he continued: "In terms of intelligence, all the players of the Dream Nine Team are sports stars of varying degrees, so you can understand for yourself, it doesn't need me to say more. What I mainly want to talk about today It's how we go about playing this game."

Su Yi nodded in agreement.

Director Li looked at Su Yi, and his tone softened: "Su Yi, you are our ace in the forward position and the best player against Kevin Durant. Do you have the confidence to defeat your opponent?"

"Report to the coach, I promise to complete the task. Hey, it's not that we haven't won Kevin, we are still good friends in the United States, and we know each other very well. Moreover, Kevin's defense is also a slot, I think I lost how many points , I will recover the lost points on the offensive end." Su Yi's face was full of confidence, without a trace of nervousness, and answered with absolute certainty.

"Okay!" Director Li was very satisfied.

As expected of the young man he admires, his confidence is really attractive.

He believed that Su Yi would be able to do what he said.

However, there is still something to be said.

"Suyi, your task is more to defend any player at the small forward position. Except for Durant, Iguodala, Guy and Grant are all types of breakthroughs and points, you just need to focus more on defending them. The breakthrough is enough. Moreover, Curry, Rose and Westbrook faced by Liu Wei are all famous offensive players in the NBA, and Liu Wei's defensive ability may cause a lot of dislocations. Therefore, Su Yi is trying his best to do everything possible. Under these circumstances, you'd better take into account the defense of the perimeter." Director Li said a little distressed.

There is no way, the Chinese team lacks talents.

If there are five stars as good as Su Yi, then he really doesn't need to arrange so many arduous tasks for Su Yi.

Those who can do more work, otherwise what will we do?

"Guide Li, don't worry, leave it to me. Brother Liu should just focus on organizing the connection, and I'll take care of the situation depending on the situation."


Liu Wei was secretly happy.

It turns out that he will start tomorrow.

Director Li finished talking about Su Yi's arrangement, then looked in the direction of Yao Ming and the United Arab League, and said, "Dayao, United Arab League, you will take on the heavy responsibility of the team's main attack in the final. Tyson Chandler's defensive ability They are very strong, so you have to learn to use your brains when attacking at the basket, and use your cooperation and skills to score points. Don't be in a hurry, then you will hit the opponent's arms!"

"Okay, Director Li, I remember it." Dayao smiled and nodded.

Ah Lian didn't say anything, but looked at Director Li and nodded deeply.

Important things were arranged, and Director Li turned his attention to Sun Dasheng's direction again.

"Sun Yue, your main energy in the final is on defense. Your innate physical talent is second only to Xiao Su in the team, and you also have some experience playing in the NBA, so I believe you must be in the final. It can be competent for the task of defensive match-up." Instructor Li first affirmed Sun Dasheng.

A smile appeared on Sun Yue's face immediately.

Director Lee paused, then continued: "You're going to be facing Eric Gordon, who's an offensive shooting guard who can drive a foul or shoot, and pass the ball; the defense is willing to fight, but Lack of height and wingspan. The special feature is Gordon's three-point shooting level, which is famous in the NBA, so in the finals, Sun Yue, you must first prevent him from shooting three-pointers at any cost, and the second is to watch Steal his pass on time. I believe that with your height and wingspan, it's not a particularly difficult thing to do. And as long as you do your part, I believe we will Have the strength to compete with the Dream Nine Team."

Sun Yue said seriously: "Coach, don't worry, leave it to me. Even if I die of exhaustion, I will definitely prevent Gordon from dying."

"it is good!"

Director Li smiled happily.

There are so many elite soldiers under his command. At this moment, any pre-match anxiety in Director Li's heart has disappeared.

Next, Director Li showed everyone the edited video he made with professionals. The video tells the playing videos and classic shots of the 12 players of the US team that players need to know.

This was done by Director Li a few days ago, just for this moment.

Su Yi sighed in his heart, worthy of being a famous coach, this kind of professionalism cannot be compared by other coaches.

The edited video was shown for a full four hours, and it didn't end until two o'clock in the afternoon.

After watching these video materials carefully prepared by Director Li, in addition to being tired, everyone is more confident in the finals.

The so-called, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will not perish in a hundred battles.

Today, the boys of the Chinese team are no longer unfamiliar with the sports stars of the American Dream Nine, and they also have the idea of ​​winning the final.

Since there are many countries that have defeated their powerful dream teams, why can't they, the Chinese team?

Su Yi was even more excited.

The primary school student and Rose have not seen each other for a long time, and the migrant worker Du has not been in touch for a long time.

However, Su Yi is looking forward to the final tomorrow, because he also misses these good friends from the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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