Sign in to the NBA stadium and create an invincible striker

Chapter 272 The soul of the Chinese team!

Chapter 272 The soul of the Chinese team!
"The players of the Chinese team are back on the court! There is a huge gap, don't give up, don't give up! Now everyone on the court is a hero!"

At the end of the timeout, Su Yi, Yao Ming, and Yi Jianlian were still on the court.

Su Yi began to enjoy the roar of the tide in the venue.

He looked around at the state of his teammates. If the Chinese team was still a little nervous just now, the five main players at the moment were all strutting.

The more to the last moment, Su Yi felt the burning blood in his heart.

He began to inexplicably believe that a miracle was happening.

"Give me the ball and I'll finish."

Su Yi felt that he was walking to Dayao's side at this moment, and whispered a word silently.

"give it to you!"

Yao Ming patted Su Yi's back heavily, he knew that Su Yi was serious.

Su Yi's physical strength recovered a little, he squeezed with his shoulders, got rid of Kai Adu's entanglement, and received a pass from Liu Wei.

This sudden confrontation was enough for Adu. Adu felt that his chest was about to burst. Su Yi was very aware of the penalty scale of the international competition final, so he was not polite.

After grabbing a little space, Su Yi did not hesitate to choose a two-point shot!
However, just as he turned around, a pair of long arms stretched out to cover the clouds and the sun!
Su Yi realized in an instant that it was Durant's counterattack.Although I was more cautious, I still underestimated Durant's movement speed on the defensive end.

Shoot the iron!
"Today's feel is really bad"

Glancing at the dwindling time on the timer, Su Yi felt a little remorse, and could only choose to retreat for the first time.

Curry began to control the time, Kobe and Durant were no longer in a hurry, which made Su Yi's impatience even more.

After all, from this moment on, it will take two shots and one steal to complete that mission.

He wasn't even sure if his unreasonable shots and the successive strikes would affect the morale of his teammates.

"Come on, Su Yi, cut him! He's a man, just hit me like this!"

"Su Yi, you are super high level!"

While hesitating, two voices from the bench awakened Su Yi's thinking.

The first sound was Li Cunjiang's almost broken cry, and the second sound should have been shouted by a backup power forward on the bench.

Since teammates and coaches still believe in themselves, what qualifications do they have to doubt?
"Fuck him!"

Su Yi clenched his fists and let out a beast-like cry.

At this moment, Love cut into the inside line, took the ground pass that Curry infiltrated, and was about to pull the dunk directly.

Just as he had just left the ground, the audience saw a fast-moving figure passing in front of him.

It's Su Yi!
Domestic fighter jets, take off!
Su Yi showed strong explosive power and slammed the dunk that Love must have won.

The two people collided fiercely in the air, and they all fell to the ground, and their bodies were entangled together!
The basketball that was shot was three meters in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi subconsciously wanted to jump over to steal the basketball.

Le Fu was not to be outdone, he used the entangled posture of the two to press on Su Yi's leg to prevent Su Yi from moving.

Su Yi continued his strength and arched forward.

This scene stunned the audience.

Good guys!
I bought a ticket for a basketball game, and I also got a sumo show.

Curry also accelerated toward the basketball.

Su Yi was full of anger, and when he saw this elementary school student, he was even more angry. Relying on his own momentum, he directly broke away from Le Fu and flew towards him.

Su Yi and Curry caught the basketball at the same time.

Curry is a tough guy, he has a strength disadvantage, but he just won't let go.

Su Yi used the power of the whole body and threw it fiercely!
Then there was a famous scene that exploded the hot search in the following year!
Curry was dribbled by Su Yi and threw it twice in the air, but he didn't let go!
The referee awarded the ball, and according to the rules of international competitions, the ball is directly in the hands of the Chinese team!
The moment Curry landed smoothly, his mind was stunned. It turned out that this was what Su Yi and himself said to take me and pretend. B take me to fly?
For the honor of the national team, Su Yi can no longer care about his previous brotherhood.

Anyway, it was recorded as a steal! (Afterwards, Curry said it was a robbery!)

Su Yi has completed his stealing task!
With 4 minutes left and a 10-point difference, the U.S. team quickly returned to defense!
Seeing the U.S. team's rock-solid, concrete-like defense, Su Yi's excitement just now returned to calm. In any case, scoring is king now!
The U.S. team's inside line is simply the Maginot line of defense. There is no breakthrough in sight, and his hand feels cold.

There is no time to think, time waits for no one at this moment.

Su Yi faced Durant and took a few steps back from the three-point line.

Adu was instantly alert, he didn't want Su Yi to shoot at the NBA's three-point line, but this time he was wrong.

Su Yi, like a desperado, pulled up the accelerator and rammed into the direction of the inside line.

Adu, who was not ready, was directly knocked to the ground by Su Yi.

After entering the inside line, Su Yi carried the explosive pack and prepared to force the detonation.

However, what awaits him is the double team of Kobe, Love and Chandler!
Several people almost formed a joint force, and threw Su Yi to the ground heavily.

At this moment, they would rather let Su Yi go to the free throw line, and it is impossible for Su Yi to find the momentum with a dunk.

Su Yi fell to the ground and did not get up, and the audience fell silent.

The unethical behavior of the US team angered the originally neutral audience, and the stadium was booed.

Yao Ming, Liu Wei and Sun Yue came to see Su Yi's situation immediately.

As for what Yi Jianlian is doing?
The UAE is pulling the angry Zhu Fangyu, because the latter's emotions are gradually out of control, and he may use his Zhu-style boxing against Kobe at any time.

However, after more than ten seconds, Su Yi stood up from the ground firmly amid the whistles of the audience!
Two free throws!
The referee's verdict was firm.

Durant shook his head repeatedly and explained to the referee that the sentence was too severe, but the referee ignored it.

This decisive penalty won thunderous applause in the stadium.

With the silent blessing of the audience, Su Yi walked to the free throw line. He felt that there was already some invoice under his feet, so he could only try to focus on his hands.

Two free throws!
Under enormous pressure, Su Yi defeated himself.

Liu Wei held the ball in midfield, but Kobe did not choose to press.

Because his more energy is to help defend Su Yi.

At this moment, the hatred value of Su Yi, a "good citizen", has been pulled to five stars, and he has almost attracted almost all the police force of the dream team.

Yao Ming pulled to a high position to cover, a classic Liu Wei and Yao Ming's pick-and-roll cooperation.

Su Yi went around behind Yao Ming and handed over the basketball.

Yao Ming's huge body stuck Lao Ke.

Su Yi grabbed this fleeting space, stepped forward, and cast!
The basketball stumbled over the rim and made four full turns.

Finally, the trajectory of basketball is clear.

Basket: Come in you!
After a brief silence at Istanbul Stadium, everyone stood up and fell into a frenzy of enthusiastic cheers!
It seems that at this moment, the Chinese team has become their home team.

At this moment, Su Yi's self-confidence exploded to the extreme.

He felt that his concentration was improving at an exaggerated rate.

However, Kobe turned back and used a cold three-pointer to extinguish the nearly explosive flames at the scene.

Three and a half points, nine points difference.

At the time of crisis, the system's prompt sound came.


"Congratulations on the completion of the host mission!"

"Unlock Reward: Badge [Dragon's Faith]"

"[Dragon's Faith]: At this moment, you represent your country. Behind you, hundreds of millions of people walk with you. Remember your mission, come on!"

"The host has obtained the [Dragon's Faith] buff effect bonus."

"Basic attributes*1.1, competitive status +100%, physical fitness +100%, commander power +100%"

(End of this chapter)

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