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Chapter 276 The United Arab joins Happy Niu, Dayao leaves Houston

Chapter 276 The United Arab joins Happy Niu, Dayao leaves Houston

"It can be said that the management negotiation went well. As soon as the Warriors sent out the contract details, Morey and the others agreed. Next time, if you are free, our brothers should be able to meet in Golden State."

Yao Ming pursed his lips, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally laughed freely.

In fact, Su Yi also understands Dayao's feelings best at this moment. It is not to mention how much credit he has made for the Rockets.

Dayao thought that for Houston, the ending might not be the same as McGrady.

But I didn't expect that for the shrewd Alexander and Morey, they were really just an irrelevant pawn.

The Rockets' uniform felt that Yao Ming's injury risk and his salary cap were both big problems, so it could be said that they did not hesitate to give up Yao Ming.

But up to now, Dayao is still very happy. He is not indebted to the city of Houston in his heart. It is time to change the environment to chase his basketball dream again.

"Okay! Next time you go to Jinzhou, Brother Yao, you have to ask your sister-in-law to cook Chinese food for me!" Su Yi understood that leaving was a good choice for Dayao, and he also took care of the elders. Yao is happy.

"Of course, when you go, you can let your sister Ye cook for you what you want to eat." Yao Ming waved his hand, also quite forthright.

As soon as everyone heard that Dayao and Alian had new places, the atmosphere on the table became even more enthusiastic.

The crowd ate, drank, and staggered together. On this happy night, time always passed too quickly, and finally it was time to end the show.

The team members walked all the way and chatted all the way.

Lao Zhu felt that he was not enjoying himself, so he went with Wang Shipeng and Zhou Peng to guide Li Cunjiang and found a KTV to start the "second half".

And Su Yi and Li Xiaoxu helped Gui Gui who was drunk to the room together.

With Xiaoxu taking care of Guo's guidance, Su Yi is relieved, and can finally return to his room to rest after exhaustion.

Su Yi closed the door, nestled on the chaise longue by the window, and quietly admired the starry sky in Istanbul.

The moment he opened the window, the breeze came, and his spirit was relieved like never before.

After all, the task of the national team can be regarded as a successful completion. I and the United Arab Emirates will also pursue their own basketball dreams tomorrow.

"The sound of prosperity, escaping into the empty door, breaking the world"

"The dream is cold, after a lifetime, and a few more debts"

"As you default, life and death are dead and so on"

The iphone4 I just bought on the table was playing dynamic background music and vibrated.

"Stephen Curry? It's an elementary school student's phone."

Su Yi was shocked, swiped the screen to the right, and answered the phone.

Su Yi: "Hello, Stephen, it looks like your insomnia has not fully recovered. It's already early morning."

Curry: "Hey, Sue's recent Golden State might have big news..."

Su Yi: "About Yao?"

Curry: "Yes, it's crazy that the front office actually intends to trade Monta Ellis in exchange for Yao Ming!"

Su Yi: "To be honest, I didn't expect it. Although Monta has a record of three points and sixteen links, he is the core of your team building after all."

Curry: "It's said to be old Nelson and Jerry's idea again. I'm already looking forward to teaming up with your old friend to blow you up, Su!"

Su Yi (with a black line on his face): "Hey, Stephen, it's good to be optimistic, but you know, it's me who beat you up this time. Even if my old friend is on the same team with you, I still won't be right next time. You are merciful."

Curry: "."

Su Yi already felt that his words were about to make Curry close himself, so he quickly comforted a few words, and finally eased the atmosphere.

"Huh~ Yao Ming goes to the Warriors, maybe this team will be a tough opponent in the future."

After Su Yi hung up the phone, the first thing she thought about was this question.

According to his first reaction, the styles of Dayao and the Warriors are not compatible, and he does not know what medicine the old scientist and the logo man put in the gourd this time.

However, after losing weight, Dayao's physical fitness has improved significantly. In this high-intensity competition such as the World Championships and the Dream Team, Dayao persisted to the end.

Coupled with his support, pick-and-roll ability and feel, if Dayao is paired with a qualified rotation, maybe it can really work wonders.

What is the deal between the Rockets and the Warriors?
What's up with the guys at Happy Cow?

James.. Kobe Curry Yao Ming
No matter who the opponent is this time, the Bulls are sure to beat them.

Su Yi's mind was like a micro-movie, showing these questions, and gradually his thinking began to blur silently. Because of excessive fatigue, Su Yi didn't even know when he entered the dream.

"Boom boom.. boom.. boom.. boom.. boom"

Su Yi only knew that he was woken up by a series of knocks on the door.

The first time I opened my phone, I saw that it was already 9:30.

Pushing open the door, a big man stood at Su Yi's door with breakfast.

It turned out to be Allianz!
"Team Su, we may have to leave as soon as possible. The check-in time in Istanbul is longer than in China." The United Arab handed the sandwich in his hand to Su Yi.

"I didn't expect to sleep for so long and almost missed my flight. I can't wait to introduce the brothers in Chicago to you. In the new season, we will work hard from now on." Su Yi smiled.

"I will definitely do my best!" Alian firmly hammered his chest.


"Congratulations to the host for unlocking the new team spirit-[Bulls-Yi Jianlian]"

A clear voice sounded, Su Yi was not surprised, because yesterday he had been busy studying the new functions of the upgraded system.

Simply put, if you lead other players in the team to improve, you will also get random bond rewards.

It may be the bond value, or it may be some badges and skills.

Immediately afterwards, a chapter of player cards suddenly appeared on a grid in the virtual space of Su Yi's system.

"Yi Jianlian: Power forward. Current rating -74, expected upper limit -88"

Su Yi's eyes were full of anticipation.

There is a full 14 points of improvement, which is very rare among NBA players.

Alian is really a beautiful jade that needs to be carefully carved!
Su Yi has even drawn up an advanced plan for the United Arab Emirates.

He looked at Alian's firm eyes, and his heart was full of infinite longing.

It's time for a new season!

Under the farewell of other players of the Chinese team, Su Yi and the UAE embarked on a flight to Chicago.

Tens of thousands of miles apart, in a blink of an eye.

"Chicago, I'm finally back!"

Feeling the familiar air and street scene in Chicago, Su Yi raised his hands high and couldn't help shouting out.

He is so eager to train with the team right now!

Ah Lian's Adam's apple wriggled. For him, everything was a new beginning. This time, with Su Yi in the team, he wanted to give his all!

Sure enough, the first stop after the two got off the plane was the United Center Arena.

(End of this chapter)

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