Chapter 315

The Bulls won both G1 and G2.

The total score in the finals has reached 2:0.

This made Dallas people extremely anxious.

Carlisle spent the night studying tactics.

As a result, he finally developed a new set of tactics, in short, teamwork.

The Mavericks' biggest advantage is that they are experienced and have many pitchers.

Can take advantage of this, bloom more, and give the Bulls an unexpected blow.

In the last few games, the team relied too much on Nowitzki's performance. As a result, when Nowitzki was misfiring, the team's offense was stretched.

And if you can really play this tactic, it will not only reduce the pressure on Nowitzki, but also create more opportunities for everyone.

When the G3 game started, Chicagoans immediately felt the difference.

Originally, both Su Yi and the UAE were going to double-team to meet Nowitzki's "tough shot". As a result, Nowitzki made an assist and made Marion dunk.

In the next attack of the Mavericks, the United Arab and Brewer tried to attack Nowitzki again, and the result assisted Barea with a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

Xishuai immediately called a timeout.

The defending Lakers were killed by this team of shooters.

The Bulls have to change their tactics.

And when the Bulls gave up the double-team on Nowitzki, Nowitzki became active instead, hitting three consecutive mid-range shots, and one outside three-pointer hit, hitting a small climax.

Today, the Bulls played poorly.

All the players, including Su Yi, did not feel very good.

Especially the night before the game, Su Yi, who stayed with the widow sister Yun Yu until midnight, felt more than enough but not enough.

In the entire first half, Su Yi only scored 23 points, 5 assists and 1 rebound, which was mediocre.

On the other hand, the Mavericks, in the first half, 4 people in the team scored in double figures, Nowitzki even scored 32 points, a fierce mess.

Terry is still biting his fingers in the rest area.

It can be seen that today's Mavericks finally found their tactics.

What complicated and clever tactics?

That's it for precise shots.

Anyway, the veterans in the team are like clouds, in terms of psychological quality and basketball skills, they are all outstanding.

The opponent found a good way to defeat them, and Su Yi's state was so sluggish, Xi Shuai was extremely anxious.

He had the feeling that he was going to miss a championship.

At halftime, Xi Shuai pulled Su Yi to a place where no one was there.

"Su, I understand that you are still a young man. However, for the benefit of the team, I hope that you will maintain your energy before the end of the finals to face the challenges of your opponents. Now, you have also seen your downturn. What an impact it has had on the team.”

Xi Shuai's tone was a little stern, and he was also a little angry that Su Yi was out of place.

"Coach, I was wrong. I swear that starting today, I will take good care of my physical strength after the game. I won't use it for useless things."

Su Yi's attitude of admitting mistakes is quite good.

As a result, Xi Shuai's dissatisfaction immediately disappeared with Su Yi's confession.

Xi Shuai said to Su Yi earnestly: "Young man, you still have a long way to go, don't always be blinded by women. When you have a career, women will think you are charming. When you have nothing, women will even You will feel tired."

Patting Su Yi on the shoulder, as if thinking of something he didn't want to recall, Xi Shuai took the lead in returning to the court.

In the third quarter, Su Yi only played 5 minutes.

Because Xi Shuai was going to let Su Yi brew a good mood, it broke out in the fourth quarter.

Only Su Yi knew that he was not for emotional reasons.

By the time the fourth quarter started, the Bulls were already 21 points behind.

The veterans of the Mavericks are desperate today, everyone is sweating, but they can't see any shake in their eyes.

G3 games are very important games.

Once the Mavericks lose the game, the Bulls will get match point, and the Mavericks will be swept out 4-0.

Therefore, for this group of veterans, it is important to win the championship.

However, for the sake of dignity, they have to win a game anyway to prove that they are still young.

At the same time as the whistle sound at the beginning of the fourth quarter, it is the system's stunt activation prompt.

"Final Outbreak" stunt!

Hit rate increased by 50% + athletic ability increased by 30%!

At this moment, Su Yi was full of confidence.

And Xi Shuai on his side finally felt relieved.

Next, the game became extremely intense.

The Mavericks worked hard, and in just 8 minutes, they collectively scored 34 points, and they were in a frighteningly good state.

On the other hand, Su Yi's personal rush, although he also scored an astonishing 26 points in a single quarter, was irreversible after all.

In the end, the Bulls lost to the Dallas Mavericks by 16 points.

The Mavericks won a game.

Carlisle excitedly hugged the players.

They all knew that this game was too lucky and too hard for them to win.

It also proved that Carlisle's new tactics are feasible.

The loss did have a certain impact on Su Yi's mood.

In the evening, when Sister Widow seduced Su Yi tenderly again, Su Yi declined her on the phone.

In terms of basketball and love, Su Yi definitely chose basketball.

Su Yi has never forgotten what the mission he came from.

After a short two days of cultivation, Su Yi finally met the start of the G4 game with the most perfect physical strength.

Today, the Bulls 2:1 the Mavericks, still one game ahead in the aggregate score.

And this game was very intense.

Super Su, who returned full of blood, competed with a veteran of the Mavericks in shooting percentage.

Both sides kept sending basketballs to the basket.

The Chicago fans at the scene were hooked.

This ticket is so worth it.

Both sides played fast break, the rhythm was very fast.

When the fourth quarter started, the score between the two teams was 99:87.

The Bulls scored 30+ points in three consecutive quarters, a fierce one.

On the other hand, the veterans of the Mavericks have already rested a lot off the court.

The age has come, and they can't play the whole game as vigorously as Su Yi.

In the end, the G4 game was undoubtedly won by Su Yi.

In this way, the Bulls won the match point of the finals with a total score of 3:1.

The media in the United States have predicted that the result of this finals must be the Bulls to win the championship.

When Su Yi was interviewed by the media, he replied to a classic line in a low-key manner.

"We will definitely defeat any opponent and win the trophy in the finals! Please believe in our determination, we are also capable of doing this."

(End of this chapter)

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