Chapter 324 Sudden Visit
The first game of the regular season gave the Bulls a good start to the new season.

In particular, the victory over the Purple and Gold, which won five consecutive championships a few years ago, made Butler, UAE and Watson very excited.

Butler firmly believes that God arranged Su Yi to his side.

Not only helped him get into the Bulls, but also helped him complete the transformation of his rookie season.

Everything is going in the best direction.

And Watson received Su Yi's family special training again these two days.

The content of the special training is: how to prevent mistakes in high-intensity games?

Watson took it seriously.

He knew that this opportunity of Su Yi's personal guidance had already made all the rookies in the league jealous and wanted to kill him.

If Watson really grasps the content that Su Yi is teaching, then not only can he bring more contributions to the Bulls, but his own income will certainly rise.

The most intuitive thing is that now in the Bulls' No. [-] position, in addition to Rose, he is definitely the Bulls' starting point guard.

However, during the special training for Watson, something happened that caused Su Yi to terminate the special training for Watson one day earlier.

Su Yi's first love, the innocent and lovely Wang Xiaobing reappeared in Su Yi's world.

Here's the thing.

In view of Su Yi's performance in the new season, CCTV leaders decided to make a follow-up report on Su Yi.

Although Su Yiren is in the United States, his domestic popularity is definitely a guarantee for the ratings of any program.

When discussing who to interview Su Yi, I didn't know where the CCTV leaders heard that Su Yi had a good impression of Wang Xiaobing in Taiwan.

Therefore, Wang Xiaobing was fully entrusted to lead this exclusive interview on the other side of the ocean.

At this moment, Wang Xiaobing is no longer the intern reporter of the past.

Not only has it turned positive a few months ago, but the level of business is also increasing day by day.

In her heart, God Su is the most unattainable God.

As soon as he heard that he could go to the United States to interview Su Yi, those two cute tiger teeth were immediately revealed in a smile.

And when Su Yi opened the door and saw Wang Xiaobing.

The sweet and pure smile and the lovely and kind face made Su Yi's mind instantly clear the memories of all the women in his mind.

Yes, in terms of coquettish coquettishness and beauty, Sister Widow and others are really charming and charming, but from Su Yi's heart, the girl who really touched Su Yi's soul was Wang Xiaobing.

That kind of clean eyes, that kind of cute naughty, that kind of innocent innocence, really made Su Yi a playboy like him.

This is like a rich man who is used to eating big fish and meat, but one day he just tasted a farmer's millet porridge, and he will never forget the taste.

Although ordinary, it was enough to make Su Yi feel at ease.

"Shen Su, I wonder if you are free today? We want to conduct an exclusive interview with you."

In front of his idol, Wang Xiaobing was still a little nervous.

"Of course." Su Yi agreed.

"Watson, the special training is over, you can go home first."

Watson put down the barbell in frustration, glanced at Wang Xiaobing, then smiled at Su Yi clearly, then grabbed his clothes and hurried away without even taking a shower.

Su Yi was very satisfied.

Little Black Bean is very discerning.

You can train him more in the future.

Su Yi invited a group of CCTV staff into the house.

Just cleaned up the house.

Then, in the living room, the staff began to remove the equipment from the car outside to prepare for the interview.

And Su Yi also took advantage of this time to chat with this cute girl whom he deeply likes.

However, it was Wang Xiaobing who spoke first.

"Shen Su, can I give you a hug? I'm a big fan of yours, and I've watched every game of yours." The big eyes on the blushing face were like a bright moon.

"Of course no problem." Su Yi gave Wang Xiaobing a gentle hug.

The moment he embraced Wang Xiaobing in his arms, a faint body fragrance that belonged to a woman penetrated into Su Yi's nostrils, and Su Yi only felt his heartbeat speed up a little.

"Shen Su, I firmly believe that you can win the championship again and establish a new dynasty of the Bulls, surpassing the gang leader Qiao..." Wang Xiaobing's face was flushed with excitement, and Su Yi believed that what she said was what she said in her heart. .

"I'll do my best."


It will be an hour later when all the equipment for the interview is set up.

At this moment, Su Yi reunites with Wang Xiaobing's old friend, and has regained the original feeling.

By the time the interview officially started, Wang Xiaobing was no longer nervous and regained his professional demeanor in front of the camera.

"Su Shen, congratulations on winning the championship last season. This is also the first time someone in China has won the highest honor in the NBA. Excuse me, do you have anything to say to the audience in front of the plane?" With the speed of speech and the kind and dignified expression, Wang Xiaobing gave Su Yi the feeling that he has matured a lot.

Gentleman Su Yi nodded.

"First of all, I would like to thank my motherland for cultivating me. If I hadn't been exposed to basketball since I was a child, I wouldn't be what I am now. In addition, I feel that I am just a pioneer. My deeds have proved that, people of the yellow race can also achieve great things. The success of Gao's basketball career. Please believe in Chinese basketball. In the next few decades, the Chinese men's basketball team will definitely get better and better."

Wang Xiaobing's eyes lit up.

Su Shen is simply too handsome, right?

However, out of professionalism, Wang Xiaobing quickly covered up his nympho mentality.

"I think what domestic fans are most concerned about is, how sure is Su Shen to win the championship again in the new season?" Wang Xiaobing's sweet smile made Su Yi feel more at ease.

"If nothing else, we should win the championship. Moreover, the NBA is not my biggest goal. The next Olympics is my goal with Brother Yao. Please believe in us, we will definitely win for the motherland. Back to the honor that belongs to our Chinese!"

Firm eyes, unparalleled confidence!
Wang Xiaobing's heart fluttered, and there was a lingering rosy face on his face.

She knew that she liked Su Shen more and more.


The interview lasted two hours.

After everything was over, Su Yi personally invited all the staff to a high-end western restaurant in Chicago for an expensive meal.

Everyone who came to CCTV had a deep affection for Su Yi.

They haven't been to the United States very much before, and even if they did, they couldn't afford to eat these things.

Today Su Yi treats guests, how can they not be grateful to Dade.

So they secretly decided that in the post-production and copywriting of the interview, they must work hard to repay Su Yi.

And that's what Su Yi wanted.

Su Yi, who is full of social public relations skills, can handle these with ease.

It is worth mentioning that this time Wang Xiaobing left his personal contact number and WeChat, and even added friends to each other on Weibo.

Su Yi's enthusiasm and consideration for Wang Xiaobing was understood by Wang Xiaobing as the good character of Su Shen.

She didn't dare to think about love.

However, Su Yi was not in a hurry.

He has now understood his heart, he will not marry anyone except Wang Xiaobing!

(End of this chapter)

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