Chapter 326 Unsolvable Bounce Stunts
After two games, Su Yi's bond value account has another 200 million bond value in the bag.

This is all thanks to the Bulls team's contribution to Su Yi's fetter value.

Through Su Yi's efforts, all the Bulls players have become the source of his fetter value.

Once the players he instructed gain data or growth on the court, the system will send the corresponding bond value rewards to Su Yi's account at the same time.

Therefore, Su Yi is not only the most respected boss in the current Bulls team, but also an important figure in the team second only to Xi Shuai in prestige.

Holding 2000 million bond points in his hand, Su Yi opened the system and checked it with interest.

Su Yi reluctantly closed the star template module.

The star template module is certainly tempting.

However, the price required is too expensive.

All are in billions.

Except for the stunt exchange module, there are basically no other items that Suyi can exchange for the time being.

So, Su Yi had no choice but to look at the stunt shelf.

"Oh! Dr. J's version of perverted bounce without solution?"

Su Yi is attracted by an interesting stunt.

First look at the price, 2000 million bond value.

Ho! O(∩_∩)O haha~
This can have.

"After purchasing this stunt, the host's jumping ability will abnormally reach 1.5m. In other words, the host can take off and dunk a step within the three-point line! Is it cool? Don't miss it when you pass by..."

Su Yi ignored the unscrupulous introduction of the system and clicked to buy directly.

A burst of warm energy poured into Su Yi's body, and then Su Yi felt that his legs were bursting with strength, as if he could easily escape gravity, and his waist and abdomen were greatly strengthened.

Excited heart, shaking hands.

Su Yi went to the storage room, picked up the basketball, and flew to the private training ground at his home.

On a standard court, the position of the three-point line is exactly the same as that of the NBA. Su Yi started and accelerated from a distance, like a beast from the prehistoric times. After stepping into a position within the three-point line, Su Yi suddenly exerted force on one foot and stood up. String into the sky.

Su Yi seemed to have lost the shackles of gravity for a short period of time, and walked with his legs in the air like a space roaming, while in the air he shouted excitedly to vent his inner excitement.


The 720° crotch dunk that takes off from the one-step position of the three-point line!

Su Yi could no longer suppress his excitement.

Try new tricks over and over again.

Su Yi never felt like a falcon, soaring freely on the court.

He began to understand why old Carter loved basketball so much.

Once you have this kind of bouncing ability, who doesn't like to score a slam dunk under the spotlight on the court?
This is not only super handsome, but also super cool.

On the second day, Su Yi's excitement subsided slightly.

His bond value was also cleared.

However, the next game against the Kings is still two days away.

In the 2011-12 season, the Kings team had the No. [-] high school student in the United States, Tyreke Evans, the future test god DeMarcus Cousins, and the rookie Isaiah Thomas.

Overall, the Kings have a stronger lineup in the high and low post.

As for the position of the king's striker, Su Yi had a general understanding of it.

The day after tomorrow's game, it is estimated that he will win easily again.

Originally, until now, there are very few stars who can compete with Su Yi in the small forward position.

With the level of the Kings' role striker, as long as Su Yi wants to score, it is not difficult for Su Yi to score 100 points in the whole game.

In particular, the "Dr. J version of perverted bounce" stunt that Su Yi just mastered.

Su Yi was looking forward to the game the day after tomorrow.

If people see Su Yi's dunk beyond common sense.

It is estimated that Dr. J himself will be scared silly, O(∩_∩)O~.

Su Yi was in a good mood, so he shared his progress with his beloved Wang Xiaobing.

Just did an exclusive interview with Su Yi.

CCTV staff are still borrowing local equipment in the United States for post-production.

Wang Xiaobing, as the general manager, is also very busy.

However, the moment she received Su Yi's WeChat, she still replied to the message in seconds.

"Ding!" Su Yi sent Wang Xiaobing a video of him dunking from the three-point line.

"Is your husband handsome? Haha"

Wang Xiaobing opened the video, and then the whole person was stunned.

At the same time, when Su Yi slammed the basketball into the hoop, Wang Xiaobing screamed.

The CCTV staff stopped their work one after another, ran to Wang Xiaobing's side, surrounded her and asked what was wrong.

Then, Wang Xiaobing sent the video of Su Yi dunking at the three-point line to everyone.

Everyone gasped when they saw it!
Is this guy still human?
Among them, an old comrade had a temporary idea and suggested that they add this training video of Su Yi to the exclusive interview, which will definitely increase the ratings.

Wang Xiaobing loved his Su Shen deeply, so he asked Su Yi if he agreed with this opinion.

Su Yi is so fond of fans, how could he refuse his girlfriend's request?
In itself, if you really interview the fire because of this training video, then you have also helped your girlfriend a lot, right?

So, Wang Xiaobing left everyone on the grounds of investigating the specific situation and ran to Su Yi's house.

She wants to see Su Yi do such a horrific deed for herself.

She really couldn't believe it, although she firmly believed that Su Yi would not lie to her.

Everyone can see that the relationship between Xiao Wang and Su Shen is not ordinary, and they also bless them.

After all, with Su Shen's current achievements, if he can really marry Wang Xiaobing, Wang Xiaobing will definitely be a high climber.

You need looks, you need money, you need a career, you need character and character...

That is, Su Yi despised their daughters, otherwise these people would rush to be Su Yi's father-in-law.

And when Su Yi easily completed the 720° jump from the three-point line in front of his girlfriend and dunked under the crotch, Wang Xiaobing hugged Su Yi excitedly and kissed Su Yi's lips in one bite.

Su Yi's heart could no longer be suppressed.

His powerful big hands hugged Wang Xiaobing tightly, and then kissed him emotionally.

The two kissed passionately for a few minutes.

Finally, seeing that Wang Xiaobing was about to die, Su Yi let go of her.

Wang Xiaobing's heart skipped a beat, as if it was about to fly out of his throat, and he still reminisced about the sweetness just now.

When she regained consciousness, Hongxia immediately dyed her fair face.

"God Su, we just kissed!"

Wang Xiaobing's shy appearance made Su Yi even more heartbroken.

Picking up Wang Xiaobing, Su Yi kissed her again in the midst of her screams...

An hour later, Wang Xiaobing left Su Yi's house with a smile on his face.

They did not taste the forbidden fruit.

Su Yi valued Wang Xiaobing very much, and he would never let his beloved girl get pregnant out of wedlock.

And Wang Xiaobing also wisely understood Su Yi's painstaking efforts.

The relationship between the two men and women has finally come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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