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Chapter 331 The fastest 50 points in history!

Chapter 331 The fastest 50 points in history!
Ross rubbed his knees in distress.

The situation on the field has been very favorable for the Bulls from the start.

Su Yi took advantage of a mistake by Rudy Gay in the first offensive round, and once again flew half a step inside the three-point line to make a violent dunk.

The atmosphere at the United Center suddenly exploded.

Not to be outdone, Pau Gasol assisted Randolph and scored a two-pointer in the next round, and returned a ball to Su Yi.

Then, Su Yi turned on his "three-point rain" mode. In the 12 minutes of the first quarter, Su Yi played 10 minutes and hit 6 three-pointers, becoming the biggest contributor to the lead in the first quarter.

It is worth mentioning that the United Arab League played well in this game. He scored 8 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist in the first quarter. He scored [-] points, [-] rebounds and [-] assist.

The Grizzlies' black-and-white combination made waves in the interior, clung to the score, and only fell behind by 6 points under such a fierce offensive momentum of the Bulls. I have to say that the Grizzlies this season are really not good.

By the time there was 1 minute left in the second quarter, Su Yi had already scored 46 points.

Today, Su Yi's state is unprecedentedly good, not only feeling hot but also very eager to win.

Perhaps, Randolph's provocation before the game made Su Yi decide to give a certain course response.

23 points in 46 minutes!
Su Yi is about to create a new league record!
In 2003, McGrady scored 33 points in 50 minutes.

In 2005, Nao Nai scored 33 points in 62 minutes.

In his previous life, Klay scored 2018 points in 27 minutes in 52.

And Su Yi is only 50 points away from the mark, and only needs to get up to 10 points in 4 minutes.

Attentive fans are already cheering for Su Yi.

For any star, breaking a league record is a career badge.

And for the Grizzlies, they must prevent Su Yi from getting this honor.

Rudy Gay stepped up his confrontation with Su Yi.

His excellent physical fitness and jumping, as well as his strong confrontation, all caused Su Yi some trouble.

However, when the third quarter started, Su Yi hit 2 three-pointers in 4 minutes, bringing the total score to 58 points.

At this moment, only 26 minutes have passed since the game!

Xi Shuai stood up excitedly and applauded Su Yi.

The fans also spontaneously shouted for Su Yi.

"26 minutes 58 minutes!"

"Super Su's new record!"

"Su Yi was born at the moment!"

Su Yi's heart was also excited.

In the fourth quarter, Xi Shuai did not send Su Yi to the court.
With a full 36-point advantage, there is no need to kill the Grizzlies.

Because of Ross's strong request, Xishuai replaced Su Yi and sent Ross on the court.

In this game, Watson has been playing for more than 30 minutes, and it is time for Rose to practice.

The little-known Grizzlies point guard Tony Allen is really lacking in his skills, but his little moves are very sinister.

May be outraged by the loss.

During one of Rose's breakthroughs, Tony deliberately hit Rose's knee with his right knee.


Ross yelled, and after throwing the ball away, he fell to the ground with a face full of pain.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Su Yi was the first to run forward, and Xi Shuai immediately called for the team doctor.

The referee had to announce the suspension of the game.

Looking at the aggressive James Johnson looking at him, Tony Allen ran back to the Grizzlies' rest area early, and then watched the fallen Rose's head close to his teammate's ear, laughing and whispering.

Obviously, the other party is estimated to intentionally hurt Ross.

Beads of sweat fell on Ross's face, and Su Yi could see that Ross's injury was not light.

After being treated by the team doctor's first aid measures, Ross felt no pain for the time being, and then Su Yi helped Ross up and sent him to the passage.

Xi Shuai's face was full of cold light.

Rookie Butler is even more worried about Rose's injury.

However, Noah and James Johnson disagreed.

"Don't worry, man, this is a long side meal for Ross."

"Yeah, Jimmy, you really don't have to worry about Ross. You can't beat him with anything. You'll get used to it over time. There's no way to avoid that with Ross's style of play."

The two old teammates who played with Rose for many years agreed that this was not a big problem.

Rose gets hurt a lot, and Rose will always get up.

This is the consensus view of the majority of the Bulls on Rose.

When Su Yi played again, the game lost its suspense. An indignant Su Yi dunked Gasol 4 times in a row from beyond the three-point line, and at the same time, blood capped the Grizzlies 3 times in 5 minutes.

Tony Allen was replaced by Grizzlies coach Hollins to quell Super Su's anger.

In the end, at 122:99, Su Yi scored 72 points to end the Grizzlies' winning streak.

After the game, Su Yi grabbed Tony Allen by the collar, and the two teams almost broke out into violence.

Fortunately, the coaches of the two teams stopped it in time to avoid the scene from getting out of control.

In the face of media interviews, Su Yi ruthlessly denounced the Grizzlies for their inferiority and despicableness.

The next day, Stern issued a penalty for Tony Allen: a three-game suspension and a fine of $3.

Although, the Bulls have achieved an impressive record of five consecutive victories.

However, Su Yi didn't mean to be happy at all.

After the game, in the hospital, Rose's injury was treated and soon improved.

Teammates have persuaded Ross to take more care at home after being discharged from the hospital, and spend more time with his blond girlfriend by the way.

Su Yi even insisted on Ross that he should not participate in any games until his knee injury was completely healed.

However, Ross looked at Su Yi, who had won six consecutive victories in a row, how he was struggling on the court and how he could live happily alone.

As the team leader, Su Yi, Ross couldn't go against his ideas on the court.

However, the stubborn Rose spent his time in training.

This made Su Yi helpless.

By the end of January, Su Yi had led the team without losing a single game, and led the Bulls to a 23-game winning streak.

And this month, Su Yi's accumulated bond value, once again obtained other stunts.

"Perverted Enhanced Shark's Power Bracers", "Iverson Super Enhanced Running Speed ​​Headband", "Jordan Waist and Abdominal Strength Badge"... Su Yi became more and more brave in battle, and really became the talk of everyone in the league Discolored superstar.

In January, Su Yi's average of 39.5+20 per game made him the star with the most calls for MVP in the regular season.

And all of this makes Rose impatient to return to the game.

He didn't want his good brother to support the team alone.

Xi Shuai also knew that Rose's injury was estimated to be recovering.

So, Xi Shuai decided to let Rose play in the next game against the Digital team.

The nation is also looking forward to Rose's comeback battle.

The RS combination reunites, who can break the winning streak?
(End of this chapter)

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