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Chapter 343 Advance to the Eastern Conference Finals

Chapter 343 Advance to the Eastern Conference Finals
With two consecutive wins over the Celtics, the Bulls' players have built more confidence.

During the two-day offseason, Su Yi conducted targeted special training on Watson.

After the verification of the second game, the No. [-] position is the point where the Bulls need to strengthen the most.

In the last game, Watson's performance was really remarkable.

However, the NBA, the holy land of basketball in the world, really does not lack top talents.

From the physical talent to the field experience, Long has absolutely beat Watson.

Therefore, Su Yi does not require Watson to prevent Rondo from killing, but as long as he is properly pressured to force him to restrain a little, and even make occasional mistakes.

Because, the magic weapon that the Bulls really rely on to defeat their opponents is actually the Bulls Trident headed by Su Yi and assisted by UAE and Butler.

Su Yi has stayed with Watson for the past two days.

They studied Rondo's game video together, analyzed opponents' playing habits together, and even practiced one-on-one simulation training on the court.

Watson was moved beyond measure.

In this league worth millions of dollars, there are really not many team leaders who are willing to work so hard to train the underachievers.

Even LeBron James, known as the best team boss in league history, is just giving his teammates some joy and help on a daily basis.

However, such a teaching like Su Yi's brother has never been experienced in the NBA.

Therefore, Watson was even more grateful to the boss for his kindness, so much so that he devoted more than 200% of his concentration in the special training.

The effect is also obvious.

In the afternoon of the second day, Su Yi could already feel a lot of pressure from Watson during the simulated training with Watson.

Su Yi couldn't help admiring Watson's fierce and decisive eyes.

All this hard work shined in the next day's G3 game.

Originally, Coach Long got the team's tactical arrangement and continued to play Watson to break through the Bulls' iron-blooded defense.

However, what surprised Rondo was that Watson seemed to have taken the wrong medicine all of a sudden. Every time he attacked under Watson's defense, Rondo felt that it was not smooth.

It was as if Watson had become a roundworm in his stomach and could see through his schemes every time.

This feeling made Rondo very uncomfortable.

At the same time, Watson's defensive aggression has also improved a lot.

Finally, in the first 2 minutes of the second quarter, Rondo made his first mistake.

Immediately after 3 minutes, Long made another mistake and was stole the basketball by Watson.

Throughout the first half, Long made 4 mistakes in his guidance.

This is unprecedented.

At halftime, Xi Shuai praised Watson's performance, saying he was the most improved player.

In Watson's heart, everything he has now is bestowed by the boss Su Yi.

So, even in the second half, Takashi felt even more pressure.

To Rondo's distress, the small guard suddenly became enlightened in this game and became an opponent who could limit his performance.

This is not good news for Director Long.

And on the offensive end of a normal game.

Su Yi led the UAE and Butler, and the three scored an astonishing 102 points together, making the efforts of the big three in the green jersey come to nothing.

After Rondo was restricted, the Wolf King once again became the core of the team.

The Celtics played a "one-star, four-shooting" tactic, replaced two players who could shoot outside, and at the same time let Pierce defend Su Yi by himself.

The two teams soon became a score-hungry match.

In the end, the Celtics still lost the game.

At 122:119, the intensity of the game was evident from the score.

The Bulls won 3 games in a row and finally got match point of the series.

3:0, the Celtics are about to be swept out by the Bulls.

In the first round, the Bulls swept the 76ers out.

On May 5, at the United Center, the Bulls ushered in the decisive battle of the series.

Before the war, the Big Three in the green shirts reported their determination to sink the boat.

The significance of the game is no longer a question of who advances, but the dignity of the veterans.

They can be defeated.

Because Super Su is truly a character they can't match.

However, they do not want to be swept out.

Even if you win the next game, you will be able to hold on to your face.

Therefore, as soon as the game started, the Celtics played fiercely.

The wolf king is like looking for someone to fight for his life, and he asks for everything in the Bulls' inside line. Even if the UAE is fighting the risk of fouling, it cannot prevent Garnett from sending the basketball into the basket.

And Rondo was instructed by head coach Rivers to actively look for opportunities in the matchup with Watson, and then sent out beautiful assists one by one, revitalizing the team again.

As for the old-fashioned Ray Allen, while defending Butler, he silently hit 9 three-pointers and 13 of 9 shots.

On the other hand, the state of the Bulls was suppressed by the Celtics.

In addition to Su Yi's astonishing 62 points, Butler and the UAE were both affected by emotions.

Butler scored only 13 points.

The United Arab is only 8 points.

In the case of the downturn of the Bulls team, the Big Three of the Green Mountains won a victory as they wished.

The wolf king Garnett, who finally achieved the victory over the Bulls, expressed his greater ambitions in an interview after the game.

"The Bulls are not invincible. We only realized today that we are the ones who let us lose. If we can show our true strength and give no chance to the opponent, no opponent can beat us. We now face the following The game is full of confidence.”

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

In the G5 game, the Bulls' Trident once again resumed their heroic performance. The three scored 105 points in the audience, making the Celtics' ambitions a nonsense.

The Bulls also successfully ended the second round, knocking out the Celtics in five games.

Three days later, the Bulls' opponent in the Eastern Conference finals was also determined, that is, the Heat, who they encountered many times in the regular season.

In front of the media, Lao Zhan still expressed his optimistic views conservatively.

However, everyone can see that Lao Zhan's mood is still a little depressed.

Su Yi's strength in the playoffs has made everyone in the league feel the pressure.

Too strong!

This is beyond everyone's comprehension.

Reminiscent of the Joe Gang master back then.

In front of the media, Su Yi showed unparalleled confidence.

"We are confident that we will win the championship this season. And the series against the Celtics also proves our strength. Please believe in us, we will definitely defend our title successfully!"

(End of this chapter)

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