Chapter 107
Nangong Xiaoxiao didn't expect that Zixing really wanted Su Niang's life, not just because she contradicted her.

She came to the East Palace at this time, clearly to ask herself to ask for some interest.

It's just that the interest is Su Niang's life.

There was fear on her beautifully made-up face.

In this East Palace, only Su Niang is the person she trusts the most.

At this moment, she hated Zixing's aggressiveness very much, and she was completely out of control.

At this moment, a voice that she was terrified of usually sounded like a life-saving straw at this moment.

"Sister, is this going to kill people here in this Palace?"

Heliande was wearing a bright apricot yellow robe, and the four-striped dragon on the robe showed his unique status.

When he opened his mouth, it was such a sharp irony.

Zixing knew that since the sixth brother's incident, in his heart, she was no longer his sister.

And she. . .

"Xing'er doesn't know what the elder brother's words mean? Does Xing'er seem to want to start a killing spree? Could it be that in the East Palace, anyone can speak ill of Xing'er? Even a servant pointed at Xing'er's nose Should Xing'er endure the abuse? Only in this way can she not be hated by the prince's brother, and can she be called a princess with both ability and political integrity? Does the prince's brother mean this? If the prince's brother nods, Xing'er will just let it go Forget it, and let these people shut their mouths obediently, lest the queen mother find out, and feel sorry for Xing'er in vain." She sighed pretendingly, raised her eyebrows slightly, and did not hide her provocation meaning.

"When did you become so sharp-tongued? Su Niang is the nanny of the Crown Princess, and she has served the Crown Princess all her life. Even if she speaks disrespectfully to you, can't you take it for her age? Has the event turned into a major issue? You have to splatter the Eastern Palace with blood before you give up? Is the empress mother giving you a flowery face just to make you feel like a snake and a scorpion?"

Zixing moved out of Situ Jing, and Heliande's gloomy eyes were full of hostility.

He pointed at Su Niang angrily, admonishing Zixing.

But Zixing stood there, but didn't even look at him.

To say that she has a heart of snakes and scorpions, she didn't intend to be a kind person again.

At this time, Nangong Xiaoxiao was standing beside her. This accusation was nothing more than fifty steps laughing at one hundred steps.

She smiled faintly, "Brother Prince said so much, but he didn't nod. Then Xing'er invited the princess again and punished this slave who didn't understand the rules. As the princess of Xiyue, I definitely can't tolerate slaves." If the Crown Princess loves her master and servant deeply, I don't mind doing it for you."

In other words, Su Niang's life was decided by her, Helian Zixing.

When Nangong Xiaoxiao saw Heliande, she thought Su Niang would not have to die, but Zixing's words completely shattered her hope once again.

She was unmoved, even if Heliande reprimanded him so severely, she still insisted on taking Su Niang's life to pay for Shen Meng's child.

She didn't even dare to bring this matter up to the queen. If she was in a hurry, if Zixing told the whole story, even if there was no evidence, it would still arouse the queen's suspicion.

Maybe it will hurt the eldest brother.

If things get serious, the third brother will definitely not let him go.

She glanced at Su Niang, who had already turned pale from fright, and rushed to Heliande's side with hazy eyes, pulled his sleeves and begged, "Your Highness, Su Niang has taken care of my concubines for so many years. Hard work, my concubine begs you, please intercede for Su Niang! I beg the princess to spare her once."

(End of this chapter)

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