Chapter 110
Heliande stared at Zixing for a while, and finally looked away.

"Come here, drag Su Niang out to beat a hundred boards hard, and the imperial doctor Xuan will check the princess's wound." His voice was very low, and it seemed that there was a lot of helplessness.

A hundred boards, even an upright man in his prime may not be able to bear it, let alone Su Niang, it's just a different way of saying it, but the ending is the same.

When Su Niang heard this, her body went limp and she fell to the ground like mud.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's resentful eyes fell directly on Zixing's face.

With a wave of Helian De's hand, the guard who had been guarding the room and did not leave immediately stepped forward, grabbed Su Niang who was still kowtowing, and dragged her out.

The palace man made a mistake, even if he was about to be executed, he would not do so in front of his master. The guards carried Su Niang to the torture department to carry out the execution, but just as he walked to the door, Nangong Xiaoxiao suddenly yelled: "It's just here! Fight here, fight in front of Bengong."

After yelling, she suddenly rushed in front of Su Niang, completely disregarding her status as a princess, hugged her tightly, and stared at Zixing fiercely with her with tears in her eyes, "Su Niang, your I will always remember the grace of taking care of you, whoever harmed you today, I will definitely ask her to pay for it."

What she said was indeed inappropriate, and the occasion was also very inappropriate.

Heliande's eyes turned cold, "Drag it out, what are you doing here?"

He didn't want Nangong Xiaoxiao to ruin his East Palace's reputation because of an insignificant Su Niang. The ending was set, but she lost her sense of control and lost all her calmness outside. speak out.

The guard dragged Su Niang out, Su Niang stretched out her hand hysterically, wanting to grab something more, "Crown Princess, I will serve you again in my next life, and I will serve you again in my next life..."

"Su Niang... Su Niang..." Nangong Xiaoxiao was already sobbing.

But she wanted someone to hit the board in front of her, and before she could finish her moaning, the thick sound of the board falling on her body came from outside the house, as well as Su Niang's howling like killing a pig.

"Your Highness, Su Niang is too old and can't stand this. Please, please spare her this time, please? Please." Nangong Xiaoxiao knelt and returned to Heliande's side, pulling his clothes by the hem begging.

"It's just a slave, why do you need to plead for her so disregarding face? If I knew this, why did I do it in the first place? This old slave will come up with some crooked ideas by your side, and it's good to teach her some lessons." Helian De fiercely Pulling back his robe, he flicked his sleeves annoyed and strode away.

It seems that he doesn't want to see all the troubles here again.

When passing by Zixing, he didn't even look at her, but when he passed her by, he said coldly: "This Donggong, you should not come again in the future, I don't want to see you again."

Zixing raised the corners of her lips slightly.


She is a most annoying person!She was like a murdered ghost, always staring at the East Palace.

But how could she really want to make things difficult for him? If he could see clearly, she wouldn't have to fight him again and again.

But she couldn't say these words, just like the sixth brother couldn't say that he never cared about his crown prince.

Because I understand that once there is suspicion in people's hearts, even if you put your heart and soul out, it's just a sneer from others.

(End of this chapter)

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