The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 132 The Death of Xiangyun 14

Chapter 132 The Death of Xiangyun 14
"Princess, the sweet soup is ready, you and your highness should also take a rest!" Liu Xu came over with two bowls of sweet soup, and Zixing gave her a strange look, "Where's Xi'er?"

Liu Xi ever since Liu Xu came to the Purple Star Palace, she always felt that what they said was incomprehensible and boring, so when they were talking, she concentrated on studying various foods in the small kitchen, and it should be her at this time When he came to 'Xianbao', Zixing felt strange when he saw catkins.

Liu Xu smiled slightly and said: "Xi'er said that Xiangyun asked her to go to Nanny Fang's to learn how to draw together, so today's sweet soup is made by slaves, princess, let's taste how it tastes."

Zixing also smiled when he heard this.

He brought the sweet soup and took a sip, "Whether the sweet soup is cooked well or not depends on where the person who cooks the soup puts his heart into. You can't make it delicious."

Liu Xu also said: "The servant girl is not as focused as my younger sister, but the one who lives in the water will never be able to make good soup that the princess can make."

"Can my sister also make sweet soup? But why don't you make it for Ye'er? Ye'er also wants to drink the soup made by her own hand." Helian Ye already had a mouth full of soup, and looked at Zixing eagerly.

Zixing looked at him lovingly, and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, "The sweet soup made by my sister, I'm afraid I can't drink it until Ye'er grows up."


"Because Ye'er only knows one word for 'shou' now, that's not enough. Ye'er studies hard, and whenever my father likes Ye'er the most, my sister will make sweet soup for you every day."

"Really? What you say is what you say." He Lianye stretched out his little finger seriously, wanting to hook up with Zixing.

Zixing smiled, and the little finger hooked up with his.

At dusk, Liu Xi bounced back from the outside, saw Zixing sitting on the swing near the lake, and hurried over.

"came back?"


"What flower pattern did you learn? Take a look." Liu Xu stretched out her hand, and Liu Xi put the stack of flower pattern in her hand, then turned to Zixing and said, "Princess, how can Nanny Fang be?" It's really amazing, many patterns are never seen by the servant. That Xiangyun is also very good. When the servant was learning to draw patterns in the afternoon, she embroidered purses on the side, and she embroidered two of them in one afternoon. It's still double-sided embroidery, the stitches are buried so that you can't see it at all, and it can be used on both sides. Seeing that she embroiders beautifully, the servant even asked for one for the princess, here it is."

"Let me see." Liu Xu took the purse, untied the satin bag on it, touched it behind her, and smiled slightly at Zixing, "The embroidery is really good. Look at the goldfish embroidery, it looks like it is about to swim." It seems to come out."

"Is that so? This servant also saw how beautiful the goldfish embroidery is." Liu Xi got the compliment and shook her head triumphantly.

"Okay, don't be complacent, the princess's dinner is not ready yet! I don't know how comfortable you are in this job, just play outside, go to the small kitchen and stare at them " Liu Xu patted her on the head fondly, Liu Xi stuck out her tongue, turned towards Zi Xingfu, and trotted towards the direction of the small kitchen.

Seeing that she was far away, Liu Xu took out the note from her purse and handed it to Zixing.

After reading the contents of the note, Zixing handed it to her again.

"Princess's guess is really accurate. Just one piece of clothing can make their master and servant have two hearts. It's just Xiangyun's words, can you believe it?"

Liu Xu asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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