Chapter 146
"Don't be hypocritical. I'm still a perfect body. A frame-up won't break me. The debt between you and me will be doubled in the future."

Zixing smiled slightly, "Yes, I know."

She never forgot anything she did.

How could it be so.

She will repay it twice, will she wait for her 'return' with clean hands from now on?

"It was you who forced me to attack you first, but I am not as skilled as others. I will not let you stand in front of me as the winner forever. Get out." Helian Yueru turned around. She, with disheveled hair, looks like a lunatic.

In those eyes that were always tender, every corner was filled with hatred.

It's just one move away, only one move away.

But the result was worlds apart.

She wished she could tear off Zixing's hypocritical face with her own hands.

Hate, want to stop.

Zixing didn't say anything to her, but just came to see her current appearance.

She didn't have to force her to act so quickly, to force her to do it.

It's just that she knew that soon, her father would marry Zhou Yu to her.

The disasters in Zhou Guogong's mansion will continue to come along with this marriage gift.

No matter whether Zhou Min will marry the fifth brother or the seventh brother, one of them will be implicated in the end because of Zhou Guogong's mansion.

She took the opportunity to deal with Helian Yueru, but she wanted to stop this unjust case that shouldn't have happened, and to suppress Zhou Guogong's dissatisfaction with her father in the future.

"Princess, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince couldn't afford to kneel in the hall for a long time, and wants the Emperor to restore Nangong Liangdi's status as the Crown Princess." Liu Xu rushed to report to Zixing when she heard the news.

"The emperor is currently in a fit of anger, how can she restore her status. Isn't His Royal Highness deliberately annoying the emperor?" Liu Xi said.

"Princess, do you want to persuade His Highness the Crown Prince? Although the status of the Crown Princess has been abolished, isn't she still in the East Palace? Why is Your Highness the Crown Prince so stubborn?" Liu Xu suggested.

"Let him go! He can kneel as he likes, what does this palace care about his East Palace?"

Liu Xu nodded, thought of something, and said: "By the way, that father-in-law named Fu Sheng went to the Purple Star Palace to look for you in a short time. The servant girl asked him what's the matter, and he vaguely said it was a metaphor. But the servant understood, as if asking if he needed anything. The servant pretended not to understand, and sent him away."

"Fusheng? Just that thug little eunuch?" Liu Xi interjected.

"Do you know the one in the East Palace?" Liu Xu looked at her and asked.

"I've seen it a few times. The one who came out of Pingshuiju was always sneaky. I was also surprised. Later, when I was learning tricks from Xiangyun, I asked him a few words and found out that he was a servant in the Eastern Palace."

When Zixing heard this, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Liu Xu, you have been looking more at the servants who live by the water recently. If you think they can be used, reward them with more benefits and keep them for use."


Liu Xi suddenly saw a group of guards walking towards this side, supported Zixing's hand and said: "Princess, General Dugu."

Duguhan also happened to see them, but what was rare was that he didn't pretend not to see them, but walked towards them on his own initiative.

"Subordinates see the princess."

Zixing looked at him for a while, put one hand on his forehead, and looked up at the sky for a long time, "Xi'er, did you see which direction the sun came out this morning? Is it west? It shouldn't be east!"

(End of this chapter)

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