Chapter 174
When Helian Longyi heard this, he hurried to Yaofeng Palace.

A group of imperial physicians were surrounding Shen Fengyi, not knowing where to start.

And the Helian red silk over there has been arranged by Situ Jing to take a bath. The imperial doctor first prescribed some medicine for the symptom, which temporarily stopped her itching. Fortunately, Situ Jing gave the order in time before. Although there was an injury, but it would not ruin her appearance, Wu Jieyu's heart finally calmed down a little.

Shen Fengyi was woken up by her own pain, she kept yelling there, and when she heard the report "the emperor is coming", she got up from the bed and knelt down on the ground.

"Your Majesty, save my concubine, someone wants my concubine's life, I beg your majesty to save my concubine!"

Every time she opened her mouth, she could taste her own blood. All she knew was that her whole face was in pain, everywhere was hurting, her eyes were covered with blood, and she had never looked in the mirror before. Already like a ghost.

Helian Longyi only saw her kneeling on the ground trembling, felt sorry for her, and hurriedly wanted to help her stand up, "My concubine, don't be afraid, I'm here, I will do it for you... ah..."

Before he finished speaking, when he helped Shen Fengyi up, he saw her face clearly and the eyeballs hanging on her face, he retracted his hands in fright, and exclaimed.

Because of his letting go, Shen Fengyi, whose whole body was clinging to him, suddenly lost her support, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

With only one eye, bloody, she still saw the panic and fear on Helian Longyi's face. . .disgust.

As if she knew something, she slowly stretched out her hand to touch her face. When her hand touched the 'unknown object' on her face, her body shook violently. The cry seemed to come from deep underground. sent out.

Helian Longyi seemed to have sensed his gaffe, he was still holding on to a glimmer of hope, and hurriedly asked people to help her up, "Hurry up and find a way for my concubine, if she can't cure her face, you can bring her up." Come see me."

The imperial physicians responded tremblingly.

"Your Majesty, go sit in the outer hall and wait for the news! You will only make them nervous, and it will not hurt Shen Cairen." Situ Jing stepped forward and said.

"Alright, if you have anything to report to me right away." Helian Longyi said, and then said to Shen Fengyi: "My dear concubine, don't be afraid, I'm right outside, they will heal your wound, I'll just outside."

But despite such comforting words, he never took a step closer to the bed, and the pace of leaving was a little disordered, as if fleeing.

Duguhan walked around the banquet scene, knowing that the emperor would definitely investigate after the incident, so he asked people to properly preserve the body of the ball first, and left a few people at the scene to see if there were any clues.

From a distance, he saw Yinuo standing there looking at him, "You guys go over there and take a look, be more careful."

"Yes." After responding, several guards scattered around.

Only then did Duguhan walk towards Yinuo.

"The princess asked the servant to give this to the general." Yinuo handed a yellow medicine bag to Duguhan, turned around and left without further explanation.

Duguhan frowned slightly, looked at the medicine bag in his hand, hesitated for a while, then closed his hands.

"Father, father..." Helian Hongsi managed to stop the itch, and when he saw Helian Longyi, he called out twice in aggrieved manner, and began to cry.

"What happened to your face? That cat scratched you too?" Seeing the bloodstains on her face, Helian Longyi thought of Shen Fengyi's terrifying face, and obviously dodged for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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