Chapter 178
Helian Yueru and Helian Youran sang together, which obviously made Helian Longyi connect the abnormality of the red silk with the incident of Shen Fengyi being attacked by the ball.

Situ Jing suddenly felt a bit bitter in her mouth, but it was actually her heart that was bitter.

For the sake of Shen Fengyi, he even began to hear other people's words and doubt their Zixing.

Then Zixing didn't feel anything.

She knew that her father loved her, but she also knew that her father was not an unrivaled emperor.

At his age, there is still a Shen Fengyi who fascinates him. This is a symbol that makes him feel that he is still young. It is not incomprehensible to doubt it.

Moreover, she hoped from the bottom of her heart that her father's matter of Shen Fengyi would become unfamiliar to them.

If even she can't compare to Shen Fengyi in the heart of Emperor Father, then who else in this palace can match?
Doctor Du took the silver needle and carefully inspected all the cakes. He was afraid that there might be medicines that the silver needle could not detect, so he even tasted every piece of cake himself.

Only then did he say with certainty: "My Majesty, there is nothing wrong with these cakes."

Helian Yueru was stunned, and almost blurted out 'impossible', she clearly took advantage of Helian Hongsi started to go crazy, and when everyone's attention was on her, she put the rest of the medicine powder on the pastry, how could it be possible There is no problem.

With that in mind, she looked at Situ Jing suspiciously.

Could it be that she did something wrong just in case?
Helian leisurely saw her doubts, didn't think much about it, and said: "It's been a long time, and the person who poisoned him is not stupid, so it's possible that he still keeps the evidence and waits for someone to investigate?"

"Poison?" Wu Jieyu let out a low cry in shock.

Just now everyone just said that there was something wrong with those pastries, but no one dared to say that the pastries were poisonous.

Although he knew it in his heart, but saying it so unabashedly still surprised everyone.

Put poison on the queen's flower viewing feast. . .

What a crime.

Moreover, she clearly meant that Zixing was poisoned, and the queen helped her cover it up. With a simple sentence, Situ Jing and Zixing were pushed to hell again in an instant.

"Why are you all so surprised? Doctor Du, just now you checked Hongsiu, she suddenly felt itchy all over, is it caused by poisoning?" Helian leisurely looked at Doctor Du with a calm expression, mocking their words What a fuss.

"Indeed." Imperial Physician Du nodded slightly, "Princess Red Silk suddenly felt an unbearable itching, which is indeed suspicious. It's just that I haven't had time to examine the princess carefully, so I can't tell for sure yet."

Just now everyone was nervous about Shen Fengyi's injury, and it was true that they didn't check Helian Hongsi much, they just tried to make her stop the itching first.

"Sister Youran, Imperial Physician Du is not sure, and the pastry has not found any problems. You are so confident. Did you see what I did with your own eyes? The incident happened suddenly, and the Imperial Forest Army appeared afterwards, and then cleaned up the scene at the banquet. They are all members of the Imperial Forest Army. Why do you wrong me and the queen mother? The Imperial Forest Army directly obeys the emperor's orders. According to you, I poisoned sister Hongsi. Did the emperor destroy the evidence for me? You have no idea. With no evidence, why be aggressive?"

Zixing glared at Helian Youran, and involved Helian Longyi without leaving a trace.

Of course, everyone would not think that he helped Zixing poison Hongsi and hurt Shen Fengyi, but from her words, they felt Helian Youran's disrespect.

(End of this chapter)

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