The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 197 The East Palace Surprise 6

Chapter 197 The East Palace Surprise 6
Baoling didn't know that Helian Yueru was so out of order today because she was defeated by Zixing time and time again, pushing herself into the trap she prepared for others time and time again.

She was starting to get scared.

Therefore, she thought that what was about to happen was a chance for her to win Zixing.

She needs a win to prove herself.

She was afraid that she would eventually be abandoned by Nangong Yu.

It can also be said that she began to be afraid of Zixing.

In her eyes, that good-looking trash gave her 'surprises' time and time again, grinding away all her patience.

"Princess, this servant feels that there will be troubles in the East Palace tomorrow. Why don't you say that the princess is going to be sick." In this case, if Liu Xu said it, Zi Xing would not be surprised, and she could promise to make her feel a little bit better. Surprised.

She couldn't help looking sideways at her and smiling, "What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow, the servant will go out to the palace to handle errands. If the princess has something to do, the servant will not be around and cannot protect you. The servant is worried."

"If they really want to deal with Bengong tomorrow, it won't help if you're around. Don't worry! It's rare to see Helian Yueru so ready to move. I'm looking forward to it. What will happen at tomorrow's banquet!"

Zixing sneered.

"Ah..." A shrill cry made Zixing stop, and then there was a broken sound, which lasted for a long time. It should be that everything that could be smashed in the room was smashed, "The emperor How long has it been since the emperor came to see me? I want to see the emperor, I want to see the emperor."

This voice is all too familiar.

Shen Fengyi is still a talented person, because her father doted on her before, she was not allowed to go back to Zhaoyang Palace for almost two months, but lived in her father's bedroom more politely.

After being injured, she also lived in Yaofeng Palace for a while.

Later, they moved back to Zhaoyang Hall.

When Zixing entered Zhaoyang Hall, he saw a lot of people standing in the yard, all looking towards the room where Shen Fengyi lived, most of them were gloating.

The door of the room was opened suddenly, and Shen Fengyi rushed out. Originally, her face was covered with gauze, but today she should be changing her dressing so that she would go crazy after seeing her appearance.

Before the face was wrapped in gauze, new flesh was growing on the place scratched by the ball, and the tender flesh mixed with blood streaks covered the whole face ferociously. It fell into the eye socket, but it seemed to fall off at any time, and it had already lost its look.

"What are you all watching here? Get out, get out of here. You think I will be like this, don't you? Sooner or later, I want you to see how I fly out of here and become a real phoenix. "She pointed at the spectators like a lunatic, shouting and cursing.

"It's all like this, and you still want to fly on the branches and become a phoenix?" I don't know who it is, and sneered mockingly.

"You...I'll tear your mouth apart." As she said that, Shen Fengyi really rushed over. Now she was so frightened by her own appearance that she threw the person who was speaking to the ground and stretched out her hand Going to scratch her face.


As soon as Zixing finished speaking, Yi Nuo jumped forward, grabbed Shen Fengyi's hand, and pulled her up from the man.

Shen Fengyi wanted to catch that person again, but suddenly saw Zixing behind the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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