The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 230: Southern Border Envoy 7

Chapter 230: Southern Border Envoy 7
Liu Xi felt aggrieved, but seeing Liu Xu's stern expression, she didn't dare to say anything for herself, she pouted and left.

Zixing didn't speak, but looked at Liu Xi who was leaving, and then at Liu Xu who was frowning and looking outside the door, feeling bad in her heart.

It was already Zishi, Zixing leaned on the imperial concubine chair, closed his eyes, but never felt sleepy.

Nangong Yu, is he really confident that no woman in this world can resist his temptation?

At the banquet in the East Palace, she didn't mention a single word about the maid spilling tea on her body, but she didn't see him and Nangong Hao come out to say a word for herself.

Under such circumstances, did he think she was really the Helian Zixing in his painting?

His heart seemed to be bitten by countless small insects.

The slight pain won't kill you, but it won't make you feel better either.

She hated such boredom, but she had no choice but to open her eyes, and wanted someone to prepare some hot water for her to take a bath, but suddenly heard a faint noise coming from outside.

She was just about to wake Liu Xu, who was on duty at night, to see what happened, but a black shadow suddenly jumped in from the open window.

The arm was injured, and the blood soaked the sleeve, but not a drop of it fell on the ground.

She was still leaning on the chaise longue, and the man in black's sword was already on her neck, "Don't make a sound. Otherwise, I will kill you."

The deep voice seemed to be enduring severe pain.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside had reached her palace.

"Princess, General Dugu has an assassin breaking in, are you alright?" Liu Xu asked outside the door.

The sword of the man in black approached Zixing's neck a little bit closer, the sharp tip of the sword seemed to have an infinite chill, pressing straight towards the person, as if warning her that death was within that tiny distance.

"I'm asleep, I'm fine. Let them go to other places to continue searching!" Zixing smiled at the man in black with a half-smile, the color of the man's eyes was a little blue.

And someone she knew seemed to have eyes like his.

The footsteps were far away, and Yinuo's voice came from outside, "Princess, the servant is outside."


The voice of the Imperial Forest Army could no longer be heard, but the man in black didn't intend to take his sword away.

Zixing lazily leaned on the bench, as if she was not afraid of the sword on her neck at all, she slightly lifted her chin and said: "There are some medicines in the cabinet, which can help you stop bleeding. If necessary, take Go and get it yourself! I don't mean to bandage your wound."

The man in black moved his eyes slightly, and looked at her inquiringly again, "If you dare to call..."

"If you want to call, call early. I am not afraid of death. Don't think that if you threaten me like this, I will be obedient. This is the imperial palace of Xiyue, and the imperial army is not vegetarian. Do you think that I am really afraid of you? Hurt me? Go stop the bleeding! I don’t want to find a way to transport a corpse out tomorrow morning.”

After finishing speaking, she yawned, raised her hand and gently pushed the sword against her neck away.

Wei Moran didn't know how to describe his shock at this moment.

She pushed his sword away, but he just froze there.

The girl in front of her seemed to be a snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, so perfect that people couldn't bear to look away.

But the indifference in her eyes is like the thorns on the rose, warning him every moment that she is not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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