The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 238: Southern Border Envoy 15

Chapter 238: Southern Border Envoy 15
Helian Yueru smiled at Qi Qiran, and looked away, "It's Yue Ru's own fault, no one else is to blame. Yue Ru doesn't blame the father for being cruel, nor does he blame the misunderstanding of Zi Xing's sister. It's just that I always think about it recently. The days in the palace, the days when the fourth brother and the tenth brother were playing around together, when Zixing was still a child, I thought I was doing well enough, but after all...she is the queen's daughter, so I shouldn't expect other things. Fourth brother, don't blame her. She is just a child. Maybe she will know in the future that many things are not what she thinks. I never thought that our sisterhood is so short. Fourth brother, can you Seeing you before leaving the palace, Yueru is already very content. In the future, if the fourth brother thinks of Yueru, he will remember me. Now I am in such a mess, I really don't want you to see me."

Every word of her pierced Helianrui's heart like a knife.

He impulsively approached her, and when he was a few steps away from her, he stopped abruptly.

How much he thought, he could hold her in his arms and give her a safe harbor.

But he knows that there are many things that he can't even think about.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go. I won't let you live your life with only green lights. You are never alone. With me and my tenth brother, from now on, no one will have chance to hurt you."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Seeing his resolute back, Helian Yue smiled mockingly.

She has always known his love for her.

She knew that his departure back then and his return today were all because of her.

Helian Jin ran in suddenly, and stuffed a brocade box into her hand, "There is a hairpin and a bracelet in here. One is from me, and the other is from my fourth brother. Yueru sister, take care of me." Guess which one is the gift from fourth brother!"

After speaking, he left with a smile.

Helian Yueru opened the brocade box, and took out the hairpin, with a crescent moon on the pendant.

The textures on it are a bit blurry.

Come to think of it, whoever held this hairpin every day and stroked it day and night made it like this.

She held the hairpin and laughed.

"It's so touching, it's really touching..."

After finishing speaking, she threw the hairpin back into the brocade box without any hesitation, closed the lid, and went back into the house.

The team of envoys from southern Xinjiang marched into the capital in mighty force.

On both sides of the street were crowds of onlookers. They were dressed differently from Xiyue, and their deep and handsome appearance became the focus of discussion among the common people.

A white horse with a high bun, a beautiful and dazzling girl, even attracted the eyes of men to her.

People in southern Xinjiang have slightly blue eyes, deep facial features, and a different style.

The girl's proud eyes, and riding a horse to the front, as if the people behind her are just her servants. In Xiyue, women's morality is paid more attention to, men are superior to women, so the girl who walks in front, let her behind her be the same. The noble men all looked inferior.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she seemed a little unhappy, turned her head to Helian Yunhai who was closest to her and said: "Hey! The people here have never seen a beautiful woman, have they? Why are you always staring at this county? Lord see?"

Helian Yunhai smiled politely, "In Xiyue, women obey three virtues and have four virtues. There is absolutely no woman who walks ahead of men. The princess is unique, so they are naturally envious."

(End of this chapter)

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