The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 240: Southern Border Envoy 17

Chapter 240: Southern Border Envoy 17
Zi Xing stood on the second floor of the post house, leaning on the railing, what she saw was Duguhan leading a white horse, slowly walking towards the post house, the girl on the white horse, with almond eyes and red lips, was a stunner, she was a little confused He looked at the person who led the horse for him, as if he was studying some problem.

"That is Princess Chaoxi."

He Lianqing raised his chin slightly and said, "She is the granddaughter of Prince Meng. When she was ten years old, she was named princess by the emperor of Southern Xinjiang, and she was raised in the palace all the time. I heard that the emperor of Southern Border I like her very much, she only got married in February this year, and there are already very famous sons who want to marry her. But the emperor in southern Xinjiang has always been reluctant to marry her, so many people, he has not set his sights on any of them."

Zixing smiled, but didn't answer.

He Lianqing glanced at her slightly from the corner of her eye, trying to see something on her face.

But even though she smiled, that smile was indifferent, making her feel as if she had talked too much.

When she thought that Zixing would not talk to her, she heard her say again: "No wonder Father asked Elder Sister to receive them outside the palace, Elder Sister must have put in a lot of effort."

He Lianqing was slightly stunned, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Father told me, of course I have to do it well. I shouldn't have gone back to live in the palace, and now I can share some things for Father. There can be no mistakes."

Seeing that the envoys had already arrived outside the post house, Zixing turned around and said, "Let's go! They're all here."

Seeing the palace maid helping Zixing go down the stairs first, He Lianqing slightly lowered her head and looked at her palms, maybe it was because she hadn't stood and chatted with someone so close for a long time, that made her palms sweat.

It's not a big deal, but why is she so nervous.

Although Prince Meng is an elder, in terms of status, he is just like Helian Yunhai.

According to the etiquette, after the two people take their seats, the two sides will introduce the person in charge of the reception and the envoy to each other.

Except for Helian Qingwei and Zixing who stayed in the posthouse, everyone has already seen the ceremony, so after Helian Yunhai and Prince Meng sat down, Helian Yunhai was just about to let Zixing and Helian Qingwei greet Prince Meng At that time, Princess Zhaoxi suddenly yelled in dissatisfaction: "Is this how you Xiyue entertains envoys from other countries? Can people live in this place?"

"Chaoxi." Prince Meng scolded in a low voice, but Princess Chaoxi straightened up and said, "Am I wrong? Ordinary envoys come here and stay in the post house, but what is your identity, Grandpa?" , What is my identity, what is the identity of the son, what is the meaning of the emperor of Xiyue being so negligent?"

He Lianqing stepped forward slightly, and said with a dignified smile: "Princess, don't be impatient, I'm only staying in the post house temporarily tonight, and tomorrow morning, when the Princess Mansion is tidied up, I will welcome everyone to settle down in the Princess Mansion for the time being." .”

"Tomorrow morning?" Zhao Xi looked the person in front of him up and down, and said sarcastically, "Why did it take until tomorrow morning? Did you only know that we were going to the capital yesterday? The time will be so rushed? Could it be that Xiyue doesn't even have enough slaves?" Yet?"

Of course, the princess mansion has been tidied up a long time ago, and they can live in it at any time.

But it is a rule handed down from the ancestors to come and live in the posthouse.

Helian Longyi had his reasons for letting them stay here for one night.

No matter how unusual their identities were, they were all envoys. They lived in the princess mansion as soon as they arrived, and when word spread, they thought that Xiyue was afraid of Nanjiang, so they treated them so politely and forgot the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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