Chapter 242
Zhaoxi also understands in her heart that when everyone pampers her, she can be arrogant and rude without any restraint.

But once someone tries to use her rudeness as an excuse, she must bow her head.

She is here as an envoy, and she is favored by the emperor in southern Xinjiang, and here, she is just a 'princess' of a foreign country.

"This child is new to West Vietnam, and there are many things that don't understand the rules. I hope the eldest princess will forgive me." Prince Meng stood up and apologized to He Lianqing.

"It's okay! It's just that I neglected you all. Tomorrow, Emperor Father will hold a banquet in the palace to welcome you. Another day, I will personally hold a banquet at the Princess Mansion to make amends." He Lianqing nodded slightly.

"Where do you dare to be! Who is this?" Prince Meng pretended to decline, then looked at Zixing and asked tentatively.

"This is the king's younger sister, Helian Zixing. She is young and speaks rashly. Don't take Prince Meng and Princess Chaoxi to heart." Helian Yunhai also got up and said with a smile.

Helian Zixing.

Wei Moran read these four words in his heart.

It turned out that she was the little princess of Xiyue, Helian Zixing.

Similarly, Prince Meng also read this name in his heart, and it turned out to be her.

Seeing that she was far more imposing than the eldest princess when she opened her mouth, she didn't take those provocative complaints seriously, but forced her to bow to the eldest princess.

At that moment, he knew that this little girl was not something in the pool.

It turned out that she was the Helian Zixing who almost killed Yue Ru.

"Zi Xing, this is the son of King Jiang, and this is the son of King Nanling."

Zixing only glanced lightly, then nodded.

Afterwards, Helian Yunhai and Helianluo stayed behind, and they dispatched and arranged the guards in the post house, so naturally they couldn't leave.

Helian Qingwei didn't have to go back to the palace for the time being.

So Helian Yunhai originally promised Situ Jing that he would send Zixing back to the palace in person, but he gave it to Duguhan with ulterior motives.

After arranging the accommodation day and night, after taking a bath and changing clothes, she walked around the post house twice, but she couldn't find the person she was looking for, so she grabbed a guard and asked, "Where's your dumb general?"

The guard didn't know who she was talking about, and was stunned when Helianluo came over and asked, "Is the princess looking for General Dugu?"

"Dugu? Yes, that's him, what about the others?"

"He sent Zixing back to the palace. The princess is so late, what do you want him for? What's the matter?" Helianluo looked up at the dark sky thoughtfully, and pouted.

It's so late, it's reasonable for a princess to drag the guards to find a strange man like this?
Thinking about it, he thought of Zhou Min who had been pestering him all the time.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that the two of them really look alike.

So it's natural that some people hate this Princess Chaoxi.

"Why? Is there no one else? Why did you let the mute send her back to the palace?" Zhao Xi couldn't help clenching his fists when he heard that it was Helian Zixing again.

"First, General Dugu is not dumb! Second, it is his duty to send Zixing back to the palace. He is the general of Xiyue, so I don't need the princess to worry about what he should do. You care too much!" Helian Luo I really don't like the arrogance of her body, and my words are a bit hurtful. After finishing speaking, I don't care what her reaction is, and I left.

He didn't want to take this job at all, because his father pressured him to do it.

He accepted it, but it doesn't mean he will do it well.

Besides, what Helianluo hates the most is looking at a woman's face when talking and doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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