Chapter 252
Southern Xinjiang is not like Xiyue, they don't have a princess like Helian Mingyu married to Canglang Country.

The emperor of Southern Xinjiang has three princesses. The eldest princess suffered from a cold when she was a child. After a serious illness, she became a little demented. woman.

Such a princess cannot be used as a chess piece for peace.
Therefore, if Nanjiang wants to get married, he can only choose a woman with outstanding appearance and intelligence from among the dignitaries and ministers, and then marry the one who will be a princess and princess.

And when she was named princess when she was ten years old, and was brought up by the emperor himself in the palace, she knew that her future destiny was to leave her country and go to a place where the emperor wanted her to go. Marry someone the emperor wants her to marry.

She has never been able to choose her own destiny.

But this did not affect her pride.

Her family is extremely glorious, and her bloodline is extremely noble.

So she looked down on Helian Yueru, and even more disdained to take care of her in the future.

In front of Helian Zixing, her pride was as if she had met an opponent.

The inferiority complex she couldn't explain made her more arrogant and domineering in front of Helian Yueru.

But unexpectedly, Helian Yueru was not like what grandpa said at all, she had a sharp mouth, and every word that came out of her mouth made her angry, but there was nothing she could do.

Helian Yueru looked at Zhao Xi's face, which turned red and blue for a while, smiled faintly, walked to her side, took her hand, and naturally wanted to shake off her hand, but her cold fingers, Like aquatic plants at the bottom of a lake, once entangled, it is impossible to break free.

"Princess, no matter how much you don't like me, you must recognize one fact. In Xiyue, you are no longer the invincible princess of Southern Xinjiang. There are many things that the emperor of Southern Xinjiang who dotes on you can no longer help you. When it comes to you, there are times when my grandfather is helpless. So, now, you help me, and in the future, whatever you want in Xiyue, I will find a way to deliver it to you."

Zhao Xi smiled suddenly, as if she hadn't done anything, Helian Yueru grabbed her hand, but was pulled away by a strong force, and her body fell backwards uncontrollably.

Zhaoxi's footsteps swayed, and he was already behind her, holding her back with one hand to keep her from falling down.

"Sister, my words are not as sharp as yours. That's because when I can't speak up to others, I will use force to solve the problem. The noble girls who grew up in southern Xinjiang are not weak like you girls in West Vietnam. No matter what Whether it is in southern Xinjiang or in Xiyue, this princess never likes to listen to others giving orders. So, I will help you, but I am not afraid of you. Just because grandpa is getting old, I don’t want him to think that I am not good enough. Just listen."

"Princess..." Baoling came in to say that the tenth prince had arrived, but seeing the strange expressions of the two of them, she froze there.

Helian Yueru took a step forward, took a deep breath and said, "What's wrong?"

"The Tenth Prince is here."

"Let him in! It's just time to introduce Princess Chaoxi to him."

As soon as she finished speaking, Helian Jin walked in by herself, and yelled as soon as she entered the door: "Sister Yueru, do you have anything to eat? I'm starving to death."

Seeing Chaoxi, he nodded, "Where is the princess here?"

(End of this chapter)

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