The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 262 Please enter the urn 3

Chapter 262 Please enter the urn 3
Wei Moran didn't go to pick up the jade pendant, his eyes flickered, as if he wanted to say something.

When Duguhan came, he saw Zixing was with that Prince Jiang, his expression darkened, he walked quickly to Liuxu's side, and handed her a note.

Liu Xu walked to Zixing and handed the note to her.

After Zixing saw it, his eyes, which were still smiling, suddenly sank.

"My lord, I have other things to do in this Palace, so I won't accompany you to continue to visit the garden." As she said that, she turned around in a hurry, and the jade pendant that she was going to return to him was still in her hand, and she didn't notice it either.

"Where is he?" Zixing asked when he reached Duguhan's side.

In the cold eyes, there is unconcealable anger.

"At the subordinate's home." Duguhan said.

"Xi'er, go and report to the Eldest Princess that I'm not feeling well, so I'm going back to the palace first. General Dugu will send me back to the palace so that she doesn't need to worry." After finishing speaking, Zi Xing walked out quickly.

Duguhan followed her, walked a few steps, and suddenly lowered his voice, "Princess, someone is spying on you!"

"Let him see." Zixing hardly paused, Duguhan had someone prepare the carriage, after Zixing and Liu Xu got on the carriage, the guards turned their horses and headed towards Duguhan's mansion.

After they left, Helian Yueru and Helian Jin walked out of the gate of the Princess Mansion.

Looking at the leaving carriage, Helian Yueru said with an expression of disbelief: "Sure enough, that day in the East Palace, the maid said that Duguhan and Zixing were messing about in the West Wing, but at that time everyone just Noticing Nangong Liangdi's death, no one cares about what the maid said. I still don't believe it, but now I saw it with my own eyes...she..."

"Hmph! Now I finally know what happened on the Longevity Festival that day. It must be the two of them who were in the Changyin Pavilion. Princess Duan went to tell them to leave. Sister Xu, you were nearby at the time, so they borrowed If it wasn't for the fact that the guard is your confidant, I'm afraid now... Helian Zixing, what a vicious method."

Helian Jin talked about his self-righteousness, and didn't notice the sarcasm in Helian Yueru's eyes.

Sometimes being smart is a plus.

At least, it saved her a lot of trouble.

"This Duguhan is now the deputy commander of the Yulin Army. After the envoys from the southern border left, he may be the commander. He is also the most powerful subordinate of the sixth brother. Tenth brother, I think it's better to forget it. You have to seek justice for me. If I have this kind of heart, I am already content. Although the sixth brother and the fourth brother seem to be good brothers on the surface, they are both generals. In the future... let's not mess with the sixth brother. He and Zi Xing is a brother and sister, he will not allow us to go through Zi Xing's account like this. Anyway, I am fine now, so don't pursue it any further."

"Sister Yueru." Helian Jin looked at her indignantly, "It is your blind forbearance that fueled her arrogance. My fourth brother and I will not let you be wronged so vaguely. Today Let that girl run away, but it can be regarded as finding out her martial arts background. She will not be so lucky next time. Don't worry about anything, just stay with Prince Meng now, and the rest, fourth brother and I will do it for you."

Helian Yueru smiled slightly, seemingly helpless.

But in my heart, I have already laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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