The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 267 Please enter the urn 8

Chapter 267 Please enter the urn 8
Helian Yueru smiled, but did not speak.

Zixing lowered her head, as if a little unhappy, Helen Jin still wanted to say something, Liu Xi ran into the pavilion in a panic, saluted the two of them perfunctorily, and walked to Zixing, Covering his mouth with his hand, he whispered in Zixing's ear for a while.

After Zixing heard her words, her complexion changed drastically, and she stood up abruptly, "Bastard Dong, Xi, it's just such a small thing, I can't do it well if I leave it to you, how does this palace usually teach you to do things. Not too fast Go find it for me, if you lose it, be careful with your head."

Liu Xi was about to cry, she knelt down with a plop, "I know I was wrong, I beg the princess to spare you."

Seeing that her sister had something to do, Liu Xu naturally knelt down and begged for mercy.

Helian Yueru looked at them strangely, she had been fooled by Zixing too many times, instinctively thought she was playing some trick again.

He looked at them coldly and didn't intend to speak.

But Helian Jin asked mockingly: "What's the matter? Can you make Princess Zixing so angry? The slave did something wrong, and it's because of your improper discipline. Father is the most annoying person who takes out his anger on the slave! You are so good at pleasing your father, why did you forget about these things?"

Zi Xing glanced at him guilty, completely lost the calmness she had when facing him last time.

"Brother Ten and sister talk slowly! I have to take a step ahead." After finishing speaking, he hurried out of the gazebo and walked a few steps. Helian Jin could still hear her reprimanding the maid.

"What's wrong with her?" Helian Yueru asked strangely.

Helian Jin smiled inscrutablely, "She lost things."

"Huh?" Helian Yueru looked back at him, and asked inexplicably, "How do you know? What did you miss?"

Helian Jin took out a letter from his sleeve and put it in front of her, "This."

Helian Yueru took it, opened it and read it, but she was still a little worried: "Where did you get this letter? It didn't say who it was for, and it didn't have a signature. How do you know it's hers? "

"I saw with my own eyes that Duguhan handed it to the little palace maid. After a little trick, it was in my hands." Helian Jin took the letter and put it away again, "Have you forgotten what happened during the day? The one next to her The slave who knows martial arts was injured by my people. At that time, the rescuers came, and their martial arts were quite good. They pretended to be invincible and retreated for fear of unnecessary complications. Then the injured palace lady was sent to Duguhan's mansion. I I knew that the two of them had something to do. Sister Yueru, she ruined your innocence, so we will treat her in the same way. Let her also taste the taste of each."

"Zixing and Duguhan?" Helian Yueru pondered for a while.

In fact, if it wasn't for what happened in the East Palace last time, she would never have believed that Zixing and Duguhan would act so boldly.

But in fact, in the Eastern Palace, they did not design her and Duguhan.

But they were still spotted together by the maid in disheveled clothes.

At that time, she was excused by Zixing's eloquent tongue, but now that she thinks about it, there must be something she overlooked.

Looking at this letter now, it is full of obscene poetry and obscene language.

She couldn't help sneering in her heart, it turned out that she, Helian Zixing, was also a person who couldn't bear to be lonely.

At the beginning, when she killed Xu Liangdi, she hypocritically said that she was having trouble with the guards, but she didn't want her to do it herself even more so.

(End of this chapter)

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