The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 273 Please enter the urn 14

Chapter 273 Please enter the urn 14
"If you want to blame, blame you for being stupid, and blame you for trusting people so easily. I was still thinking about what method to use to bring you out alone, but I didn't want to. I almost didn't have to do anything, and you just walked away with me obediently .”

Zhao Xi snorted, "With such a you, Helian Yueru still needs to invite grandpa."

Zixing didn't speak, and held her day and night, but couldn't see the faint smile on her lips.

"Princess, here we are."

The carriage stopped, and the curtains were raised. He was a martial arts practitioner day and night, and he had no difficulty in dealing with the powerless Zixing. She directly pushed Zixing to get off the carriage, and then jumped off.

This is a peach blossom forest, a wooden house in the forest, the person standing in front of the house is Xue Ziqi.

He was a little uneasy, although he liked day and night so much that he couldn't help himself, and was willing to do anything for her, but Zixing's identity made him very afraid.

He knew that if Zixing told the story, he would have to die.

However, the self-willedness of the day and night made him unable to say a word 'no'. He also thought that such an extreme method is not necessarily necessary to marry this little princess. He can also do what he likes and make her fall in love with her. For myself, there is no risk at all.

But day and night do not want to wait.

Her conceit of her beauty became crazy after she met Zixing.

She couldn't stand a woman who was more beautiful than herself, and she couldn't bear the fact that she was always the only one in the spotlight, being replaced by another woman.

"Princess Purple Star, I've thought about it for you. Although it's a bit shabby here, the peach blossoms in the forest are not bad. It's better than just finding a ruined temple to complete your bridal chamber wedding ceremony? Yes No? Just enjoy the bridal chamber wedding night I prepared for you!"

Chaoxi pulled Zixing in front of Xue Ziqi, and pushed her fiercely into his arms.

Xue Ziqi originally instinctively stretched out his hand to help Zixing, but he suddenly saw the cold light in Zixing's eyes. He didn't know what he was afraid of, but the hand he had already stretched out stopped abruptly. Don't dare touch her at all.

"What are you doing? Useless things!" Zhao Xi couldn't see Zi Xing's suddenly cold eyes, she just saw Xue Ziqi's trembling look, and kicked him angrily.

"Haven't you ever touched a woman? Why don't you bring her in for me? Do you still want to send her back to the palace? Let me tell you, Xue Ziqi, things have come to this point. If she is intact, the two of us will wait for her." Die!"

Seeing Zhao Xi's panic-stricken appearance, Xue Ziqi gritted his teeth, reached out and grabbed his wrist, intending to drag her into the wooden house.

Zixing shook off his hand violently, turned around and looked at Zhaoxi coldly.

"Princess, I will give you one last chance to send me back as if nothing happened. If you insist on not regretting it, don't blame me for being cruel."

Zhao Xi smiled disdainfully, "Don't scare me. If you really have something to do, will you follow me here obediently? Don't waste your tongue, it's useless." After finishing speaking, she stared at Xue Ziqi again , "Don't be a mother-in-law anymore."

Xue Ziqi once again stretched out his hand to grab Zixing, just when his hand was about to touch Zixing, an arrow whistled, brushed past Zhaoxi's ear, and flew straight towards his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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