The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 276 Please enter the urn 17

Chapter 276 Please enter the urn 17
Zhao Xi gave him a cold look, sat up, "If you dare to tell others about this, I will pull out your tongue."

"I, I won't tell anyone, I swear..." Xue Ziqi just raised his hand, grabbed his clothes and threw them on his face.

"I don't believe in swearing. Tomorrow, in the martial arts arena, I want Duguhan to die. That bitch Zixing will also die. If they survive tomorrow, you won't have to appear in front of me again."

Day and night looked at Xue Ziqi indifferently, without any friendship.

Xue Ziqi didn't respond, and put on his clothes silently, but when he saw the red dots under Zhaoxi's body, he suddenly grabbed her hand and said, "Chaoxi, shall we go back? Go back to Nanjiang, I beg my father to ask for help." Your Majesty, let you marry me, and I will treat you well. I will never take a concubine again, and I will treat you well all my life, okay? Don't stay in Xiyue, you are already mine now, if you are If people find out that you are not a virgin, there will be big troubles. No matter who you marry, he will not treat you well. Let's go back together, shall we?"

Zhao Xi slapped him hard.

"It's just you? Are you worthy of marrying me? Don't be wishful thinking. As long as Helian Zixing and Duguhan are dead, no one will know what happened today. If you dare to threaten me with this matter, be careful Nanling The lives of everyone in the palace."

Zhaoxi quickly got dressed and spit on Xue Ziqi's face.

She has always looked down on him, even though King Nanling's status in southern Xinjiang is more important than Prince Meng.

But she is not stupid, once the King of Nanling is dead, it is impossible for Xue Ziqi, who has become a nobleman, to have the talent of his father.

She was arrogant and felt that the person she was not allowed to marry was such a useless person.

But as long as she is in Xiyue, no matter who she marries, she is a hero in southern Xinjiang, she has no way out, and she can't go back.

Otherwise, if she goes back to Southern Border, she will no longer be the emperor's most beloved Princess Chaoxi.

Without the value of being used, she is nothing.

She is a chess piece, but she also wants to be a chess piece that people cannot give up.

It's definitely not about marrying a man like Xue Ziqi, who will become a woman who will have Nanling Princess but have no rights in the future.

Moreover, she knew even more that if the emperor knew that she and Xue Ziqi had a physical relationship, she was afraid that Nanling's palace would be ransacked just as soon as Nanling Wang asked to propose marriage to his son.

And she. . .

She shook her head violently.

She would never let that happen.

Seeing her resolutely leave, Xue Ziqi sat on the ground dejectedly.

His heart seemed to be numb, he didn't know what pain was, he only knew that it seemed to be hollowed out suddenly.

He has done so much for her, even risking his life.

Why, all she got in exchange was her disdainful ridicule and such insults.

He got what he dreamed of, but felt that what was lost was irretrievable.

Even if it's just her pretended begging, blatantly using it.

Now, even these are gone?
As if responding to his heart, today's rainstorm came earlier.

The downpour of rain washed away all traces.

Huan Ai, which should not have belonged to him in the first place, has no trace to be found anymore.

Among the lightning and thunder, whose roar is more powerful than the thunder.

And whose heart seems to be that rare peach blossom that blooms in summer, after a mess, the flowers wither and leave people withered!

(End of this chapter)

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