The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 280 Please enter the urn 21

Chapter 280 Please enter the urn 21
"Father, my son has something to say." Helian Jin gritted his teeth and walked out.

When he said this, Zixing had just walked into the hall.

After Xue Ziqi was injured, the competition was naturally over.

Everyone carried Xue Ziqi into the side hall of the Chonghua Hall, and all the people also came to the Chonghua Hall.

Zixing followed Situ Jing to check on Xue Ziqi's injuries. Fortunately, he suffered minor injuries. Although the sword was poisonous, but because the wound was not large, the poison was not very poisonous, so it was stopped in time, and it was not life-threatening.

It's just that one leg is useless.

When Zixing came back to the hall, he just saw Helian Jin come out and say this sentence.

She glanced at Helian Yueru who was supporting Prince Meng, and Helian Yueru was also looking at her.

The eyes of the two intertwined, and she narrowed her eyes, her face expressionless.

"What do you have to say? You are responsible for the management of this weapon. If something goes wrong, do you still want to argue?" Helian Longyi was already angry, and when he saw Helian Jin, he was even more angry. This little thing can cause such a big mess.

"It's my fault, and I should be punished. It's just this matter, I know what's going on. Xue Shizi's injury, I'm at fault, but even if I'm careful, it's not enough for a caring person I did it on purpose. Father, please tell Rong Erchen what happened."

Zixing looked at Helian Jin and sighed faintly.

"Brother Ten, Xue Shizi's poison has stopped. When he heals the wound, he will come to the hall. He said that he also has something to say. Did you listen to him first, and then tell your story? ?”

She is benevolent and can do what she can, and she also gave him a chance.

Whether or not this is the last retreat is his own business.

Helian Jin glanced at her bitterly, and snorted softly, "Father, this matter has something to do with Zixing. Is my sister saying this now because she is afraid that I will reveal all your scandals?"

Helian Longyi frowned, and said with some displeasure: "You yourself dereliction of duty, what can you shut up others? Zixing is raised in the deep palace, what scandal is there for you to tell?"

"Your majesty, are you partial to Princess Zixing? Since the tenth prince said it, he has something to report, why don't you let him say it? Princess Zixing is raised in the deep palace, she is a golden branch and jade leaf, but Xue Shizi is not casual If you are injured or poisoned, you can just settle things hastily? Are you trying to hide something for someone?"

Zhao Xi suddenly said loudly.

Although she didn't know what the Tenth Prince was going to say, but she heard his last words, and she knew that their opponents were Helian Zixing just like herself.

Although letting Xue Ziqi kill Duguhan failed, this unexpected gain is not bad.

Of course, she couldn't let Helian Longyi's casual words push Helian Zixing to be an outsider.

"Morning day and night, don't be rude, and apologize to the emperor soon!" Prince Meng scolded, anyway, they are right now, and they must not let others catch the ground because of their rudeness day and night, which is not conducive to them being Xue Shizi. Let's be fair.

"Am I wrong? The prince violated the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime. Now Xue Shizi's poisoning incident is strange, so we should put everything on the table. Your majesty, you don't blame Zhaoxi for being outspoken, do you? Seeing that my brother who grew up was injured Is it rude to say a word for him?" Zhao Xi raised his chin and said without giving in.

(End of this chapter)

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