The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 294 Please enter the urn 35

Chapter 294 Please enter the urn 35
"Fifth brother, why are you angry at me? I did something wrong, and it has nothing to do with fourth brother. Don't speak to fourth brother in such a way, he has never done anything."

He didn't care what Helenkin himself listened to.

The only thing that can't be tolerated is that they say Helianrui so sarcastically.

While they were talking, Zixing caught a glimpse of Concubine Xian who was hurriedly walking towards them.

"Concubine Xian!" She called out first.

He Lian Rui and He Lian Jin also turned their heads and saw Concubine Xian calling for Concubine Mu.

"Let's go first!" Helian Yunhai said to Zixing and Helianluo.

After the three of them left first, Concubine Xian only glanced at Helian Rui and his brothers, and turned around without saying a word.

The two followed her and went to her bedroom together.

"Do you have to do this?" Concubine Xian sat there, looking at the two sons kneeling in front of her.

"Does the concubine mother also think that the son has done something wrong?" Helian Jin looked up at the concubine Xian, with her back straight, even the concubine mother looked at him with such reproachful eyes, which made him feel aggrieved.

"Do you think there is nothing wrong?" Concubine Xian asked back.

He Lianrui kept his head down, didn't speak, and didn't intend to defend himself.

Maybe what they did today is indeed not worthy of their identities, nor worthy of a man's magnanimity.

But if he did it all over again, he would still do it.

It's just that he won't let Helian Jin do it again, and won't implicate him.

The only thing he regretted about this matter was that Helian Jin was punished by him.

"My son doesn't think there is anything wrong. The only thing my son thinks is wrong is that he underestimated Zixing and followed her way!" Helen Jin said loudly, without any remorse.

Concubine Xian gave a helpless wry smile.

"Whose way are you following? You won't listen to what I say. I just want to tell you that although your father looks a little confused, he is not confused in his heart. He loves Zixing, but he Don’t you feel sorry for Yueru? That’s his daughter. You know how dangerous it was when your father personally went to Nanjiang to pick up Yueru back to the palace. He didn’t say anything, but this palace knew that he always felt indebted Yueru's mother and daughter. Did Nangong Xiaoxiao make a mistake on Longevity Day? Maybe she had other secrets behind her, but her mistake would not be enough to abolish the position of the crown princess. Your royal father just wanted to protect Yueru. Take your anger out on her. The Crown Princess is the future empress, how could it be such a joke?"

"Mother and concubine, what are you talking about? If the emperor really loves Sister Yueru, why would he send her to become a monk?" Helian Jin asked back.

"Then what do you think?" Concubine Xian looked at the son she raised with her own hands, feeling helpless, she knew something would happen, but she didn't expect Helian Jin to be so confused.

"I said this to let the two of you know that your father did this not because Zixing was born of the empress, nor because he didn't love Yueru. But if he did something wrong, he must pay the price. You pointed at Zixing, saying that she harmed Yueru. But at the time in the East Palace, if Princess Duan hadn’t come to the palace and Zixing hadn’t found any evidence in her favor, then she would have been sent out of the palace today. Princess Yun and Yueru Two, when they insist that Zixing is the murderer, they are so convincing. Why is that?"

"Concubine Mother, why are you helping Zixing to speak? Sister Yueru also grew up beside you, didn't she?" He Lianjin looked at Concubine Xian in disbelief. For some reason, she always helped Zixing talking.

(End of this chapter)

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