Chapter 302
The little eunuch hesitated for a moment, it seemed that what he was going to say next was the real news he came to report.

"It was originally like this. Prince Meng came to the palace to ask for resignation, and the emperor has already granted it. But... Prince Qi suddenly asked the emperor for a marriage."

Zixing suddenly laughed, that sneer, as if ice had enveloped the entire Zixing Palace.

"He still wants to marry Zhaoxi!"

Indeed, she originally wanted to make Helianrui Zhaoxi's new target through the competition that day, but the premise was that Zhaoxi hadn't attempted to deal with her before.

She wanted to keep the day and night, and let her and Helian Yueru turn against each other.

But after Chaoxi wanted to design her, she changed her strategy. As long as Chaoxi was driven out of Xiyue, she was still notorious, and she was allowed to go back to southern Xinjiang. In that case, Helian Yueru and Nangong Yu's calculations would still come to nothing.

She thought that no matter how stupid Helian Jin was, he would not joke about Helian Rui's life.

As long as it threatens Helian Rui, even if he is unwilling, he will persuade Helian Rui to leave the capital as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, she still underestimated Helian Yueru's methods.

She was able to persuade He Lianrui to propose marriage in person.

"What did the emperor say?" She suppressed her anger and asked.

The little eunuch flinched. Even though he didn't look up, he could still feel the invisible pressure from the princess. He knew that the anger was not aimed at him, but he was still afraid from the bottom of his heart.

His voice trembled a little, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty didn't say anything, because Prince Meng came back somehow. King Qi mentioned this matter in front of the Emperor and Prince Meng. Now in Yaofeng Palace, there is no People dare to speak, that's why the empress secretly asked the servants to invite the princess over."


Zixing took a deep breath and stepped out of the palace door, but unexpectedly saw Helen Jin walking in.

"Is brother ten's injury healed?" She didn't stop, but still walked out slowly.

He Lian Jin was still a little awkward to walk, limping, he rushed into the palace as soon as he heard that Princess Chaoxi had killed Xue Shizi, but he was still a step late and failed to stop He Lian Rui.

"Are you going to Yaofeng Palace?" Helian Jin asked anxiously.

"Do I need to report to Brother Ten where I am going? What are you doing here?" Zixing asked coldly. At this moment, she couldn't even make a smile, even a fake one.

"I can apologize to you for what I did. But, now, can you save Brother Si?" Helian Jin and Helianrui really have a deep brotherhood, which Zixing is very envious of, because her Brother Prince and Sixth Brother will never be able to share the same hatred as the two of them.

But now, she just stopped suddenly and looked at Helian Jin fiercely, "Help? I've told you all I've said, and I've given you the medicine. Whatever I can say or do, I'm not behind on anything. But what are you doing? I don't want to argue with you because you want to avenge your kindness, but you and Helianrui are so stupid to be manipulated by others. What's the use of begging me now? Let me tell you, today Helianrui asked his father The emperor asked for a marriage. As long as the father agrees, tomorrow someone will send the memorial of the two of you brothers and guards back to the capital to the father. First you violated the sacred order, and then you are collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. Think about the consequences. It's not something you can bear!"

(End of this chapter)

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