Chapter 307
Zi Xing smiled, the sly smile in her eyes made Concubine Xian's heart settle down for some reason.

"Father, didn't Prince Meng just say it! Let Zhaoxi stay in Xiyue, even if it is to serve as a concubine for the fourth brother, it is better than her going back to Southern Xinjiang to be punished. Of course we can be beautiful adults. It's just that I thought of another person."

She paused, then raised her eyes to look at Prince Meng, those shining eyes made Prince Meng startled.

"After Prince Meng leaves, I'm afraid that Yueru's sister should give everyone an explanation for what she has done. She is the elder sister I grew up with, and I don't want to see her really cut her hair and become a nun. But she doesn't Like Princess Chaoxi, she is the daughter of the father, the princess of Xiyue, so many eyes are fixed on the father, even if the father wants to give her another chance, it will be difficult to stop everyone. Originally, I still I was thinking, how to wait until Prince Meng left, to intercede for Sister Yueru. Now, after Prince Meng reminded me, I thought of a way. "

Helian Longyi already knew what she wanted to say, suppressed a smile, and asked pretendingly serious: "Oh? What way?"

"When Wei Shizi was in the Princess Mansion, he mentioned to me inadvertently that our Xiyue women are gentle and elegant. It would be great if his future wife could marry back from Xiyue. Since... day and night The princess can escape the crime by marrying to Xiyue. If sister Yueru married to Nanjiang, wouldn't she also have to be punished? Besides, my sister is much luckier than the princess Chaoxi. She and Prince Meng have been separated for so many years. If you marry Prince Wei and go to southern Xinjiang, firstly, you don’t have to become a monk, and secondly, you can be respectful and filial under the knees of Prince Meng. With Prince Meng taking care of your sister, she will not be wronged. Royal father, what do you think? How about my proposal?" Zixing tilted her head and asked with a smile.

Situ Jing took a breath and lowered her head, as if she was thinking, but in order not to let others see the smile on her mouth.

Helian Longyi nodded slightly as if agreeing.


Prince Meng did not expect that Zixing would come up with such an idea, and his face turned pale with shock. Just as he was about to speak, Zixing interrupted him, and continued: "What? Is Prince Meng unwilling? Princess Chaoxi is here with you The granddaughter who grew up next to you, so you have tried everything for her safety, even begged my father in a low voice. Sister Yueru has never seen you, so you are not willing to help her, right? During the day, my sister always served you by your side every step of the way. During the two days you were bedridden, she even took care of you in undressed clothes. Why are you so partial? The safety of Princess Zhaoxi is important, so is Yueru my sister? Is safety not important? Can't you understand my father, as the king of a country, can't protect his daughter's difficulties?"

All that Prince Meng wanted to say was blocked by Zixing.

Seeing her look aggrieved by Helian Yueru, it seemed that she was really wronged for her.

She justified Helian Yueru's relationship with him and the relationship she had never had with her over the years, forcing him to be silent.

But he also knew that this matter was absolutely unacceptable.

He intentionally let Zhaoxi stay, so he could help some Yueru, but if he took away Yueru and only left Zhaoxi behind, he was afraid that the beautiful and dazzling purple star in front of him would kill her in a foreign land within a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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