The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 329 The Oriole Is Behind 14

Chapter 329 The Oriole Is Behind 14
"Princess, King Qi stayed in Pingshuiju for nearly two hours last night before coming out. When he came out, he looked hurried, and this slave thought, something must have happened inside."

Early in the morning, when Liu Xu was combing Zixing's hair, she told what happened last night.

Before Zixing could speak, Yi Nuo said: "Why doesn't the princess let the servant go? If Princess Yueru really wants to do something to the king, the servant can still stop it."

If it was Yinuo who went there, he would be able to find out everything that happened inside, instead of being so unclear as Liu Xu said.

Zi Xing frowned at the bronze mirror by herself, and chuckled lightly when she heard the words, "The reason why I protect fourth brother and tenth brother is not because of brother-sister relationship. It's because they are indeed generals." , I want to keep talents for my father and the future master of the country. I don't want them to die in such a struggle. But if that person is talented and virtuous, but has no loyalty to his father, why should I bother to keep them It will happen, even if you stop it, there will be a second time, and we can't stare at her Helian Yueru all the time. This is the last chance I gave Helian Rui, if He's still unrepentant..."

The thrush pen in Zixing's hand broke between her fingers with a snap.

She cherishes her talents for her father, but she also knows how infatuated He Lianrui was in her last life and how many things she has done.

Therefore, if she can make He Lianrui turn back, that would be great.

If not, she would not leave any trouble for herself.

If you can't use it, remove it.

This is what Nangong Yu taught her, and she will use it well.

Yinuo didn't understand her thoughts, she looked puzzled, but Liu Xu smiled. Sometimes, she felt that if the princess was a man, she would definitely not lose to any current prince.

The way she handles things, in the eyes of others, may be unreasonable, but as the ruler of this country, she really cares too much about friendship, and she is afraid that she will be used by others.

Some people cannot be used for themselves, so they must never be kept.

"Princess, the Tenth Highness is here." Liu Xi was still holding the water to wash her hands. Just as she came over, she saw Helen Jin walking this way. When she thought about it, the princess just got up, and she was afraid that he would rush in regardless. After entering, he hurriedly came in to report.

"Bring the water." Zixing put down the broken pen in his hand, washed his hands before going out.

Helian Jin didn't break into the bedroom this time, and sat obediently in the outer hall.

The sad look on his face and the uncleaned stubble all showed that he hadn't slept all night.

"You don't need to ask, I can tell by looking at Brother Ten's face that the soldier talisman has not been brought back, right?" Zixing sat down beside him, smiling at him as if watching a good show.

"You already knew you couldn't get it back, didn't you?" Helian Jin didn't look at him, staring blankly at the ground.

"Of course I know. Just telling you directly, you will think that I am sowing discord. It is better to let you see clearly. Although it is difficult to accept, it is the truth." Zixing did not show any mercy to him Said face to face.

"If you want to laugh at me, just laugh at me! The brother-sister relationship for more than ten years has turned into a tool for others to use. I am so stupid!" Helian Jin said unwillingly.

Last night, he waited for the fourth brother to come back, and tried a few words, but he hesitated.

At that time, he knew that what Zixing said had cruelly become a fact, a fact that he had to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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