The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 460 Death by Day and Night 23

Chapter 460 Death by Day and Night 23
"What did you say? Princess Zhaoxi is dead? How did he die?" Nangong Hao got up from the bed after hearing what Nangong Yu said. He just rushed back to Kyoto from outside last night and didn't sleep for several nights. Just squinting his eyes, he was awakened by such news.

"I don't know how he died. There is no news from the palace for the time being. It's just heard that the death looks ugly." Nangong Yu's voice could not tell that there was anything wrong.

"Hey! Have you heard?" Nangong Chao strode in without changing his official uniform, seeing the expressions of the two of them, he said awkwardly: "It seems that you already know. By the way, when I just came back, I saw Imperial Physician Du took his bodyguards to rob the Shili Rouge Shop. It was really strange. Is there a shortage of manpower now? Why is an imperial physician leading troops to catch thieves? Can Jing Zhaoyin resign after that? Are you an official?"

He said it purely as a joke, but Nangong Chao's face changed when he heard it.

Seeing his appearance, Nangong Yu asked, "Do you know what?"

"I've always wanted the secret recipe of Shili Rouzhipu's town store treasure, you know it. I didn't do it for money, you know it too. Doctor Du took people to arrest him, so it can be seen that something happened in the palace, and He happened to be present, so it was possible for such a scene. Tell me, how did Princess Chaoxi die?"

Nangong Yu had already understood what he meant, and snorted heavily: "This idiot."

"I don't know if she's an idiot, but she's a princess from southern Xinjiang. How long has she been in the capital? Either she lives in the princess mansion or in the palace. How would she know that there are such things in this world? West? I'm afraid that someone, like me, knows the 'magic effect' of this rouge, and deliberately attracted her to use it." Nangong Hao snorted.

"Rouge?" Nangong Chao looked at the two of them in confusion, casually playing with a folding fan on the table, "Is it used by my mother before? Is there any problem? Isn't mother always good?"

Nangong Yu glanced at him, "How is mother? If yes, why didn't I see her use it after my father died? It wasn't going out, have you ever seen her use any makeup powder? A box of rouge, she used it for decades , Do you still think it’s okay? You dare not use it. Big brother wants to take a look, but mother won’t let it. Whether it’s a treasure or something that kills people, you can’t tell?”

"It's a pity that the three of us couldn't see with our own eyes how the Princess Chaoxi died." After Nangong Chao muttered, he suddenly smiled and said to Nangong Hao: "Brother, why don't you find a way to go to the Shili Rouge Shop to buy that thing Get some out, maybe it will be useful for the third younger brother in the future!"

"Dr. Du personally went out, do you think we have a chance to get it? It must have been confiscated. Don't dream." Nangong Hao gave him a white look.

Nangongchao felt bored, rubbed his nose and said: "After the envoy from Southern Xinjiang came, he hasn't stopped for a day. This is a good show. One prince died, and another princess died. Even if Prince Meng asks Wei Shizi to bring back a fourth princess, I'm afraid it won't give her a good life."

Nangong Yu didn't speak any more, but closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Sure enough, he still saw Helian Yueru right.

Originally, there was a day and night, even if she couldn't keep her, he still had a chance.

But she cut off all his thoughts just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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