The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 466 Death by Day and Night 29

Chapter 466 Death by Day and Night 29
"Grandfather, your status in southern Xinjiang is no longer what it used to be. The emperor respects you, but he also fears you. Will you really be willing to weaken your military power little by little? You are eager to make contributions to yourself , you insisted on the injury of the envoys in southern Xinjiang, isn't it just to negotiate terms with my father? It's a pity that you failed, because the son of Wei, after all, he is the son of King Jiang, not your prince Meng's mansion .If King Jiang was doing this today, he would definitely not hold you back in the hall, would he? My so-called uncles can't help you, except for spending time and drinking, There is no other use, otherwise, grandpa, how can you make Zhaoxi become a princess and a tool for the emperor of Southern Xinjiang to get married? Because you have no one to use, and you can't do it alone. What big things can you do? I know, you said these things In other words, I just don’t want all the initiative to be in my hands, but unfortunately, I have always cared about you, and I know everything around you. The initiative is destined to be in my hands. "

Prince Meng looked at her, and suddenly laughed twice, "Okay! That's great, this Xiyue is really an outstanding person, who can teach you to be like this. I put the day and night in the palace for more than ten years, but she didn't I can't learn your [-]% calculations. She will only do things willfully. She is destined to be unable to beat you. If I knew that you cared about King Ning, then I would not have agreed to him and Chaoxi. It won't kill Chaoxi. After all, it's still my fault."

"Which is right and which is wrong, it doesn't matter now. Grandpa, you should rest early! Although he died in the morning and evening, the wedding of Wei Shizi still has to be held. You can't embarrass Wei Wei at this time. Yue Ru I won't disturb your rest. I'll take my leave first."

She bowed and turned to leave.

Prince Meng suddenly stopped her, "Yueru, tell me, how did your mother die?"

Helian Yueru turned her head to look at him blankly, "If you suspect something, that's what it is! She's been dead for too long, I've already forgotten how she died in the first place."

Prince Meng took a deep breath, nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay!"

He Lian Yueru left the Wanjiang Pavilion, and as soon as she landed, she looked up and saw Zixing swinging under a tree on the bank.

The swing was newly erected, and the board was tied with a thick rope, and then tied to a tree. This kind of swing is only a plaything for poor children.

And she was dressed in white, with her long hair casually scattered behind her. When the swing flew up, her skirt and long hair bloomed in the air. In the middle of the night, reflecting the palace lanterns, she looked like a ghost.

Beside her stood Liu Xu and Duguhan.

This made Helian Yueru a little surprised.

In fact, Zixing only brought Liuxu out, and happened to meet Duguhan, knowing that she was going to play on the swing here, so she refused to leave no matter what.

He wasn't playing rogue, but no matter what Zi Xing and Liu Xu said, he didn't make a sound, just stood there like a log and couldn't move.

When asked what he was doing here, he quietly said, 'I'm afraid you will fall, I can swim'.

After nine simple words, he closed his eyes and leaned against another tree with his arms folded, without moving or making a sound.

An attempt to make oneself non-existent.

Zixing had no choice but to let him stand aside.

(End of this chapter)

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