Chapter 468
"This, the servant can't see it either. The servant used to listen to the princess's order and paid special attention to General Dugu and Princess Zixing, but he didn't notice anything unusual. They rarely meet each other. Even if they meet in the palace, it's just a normal thing. Seeing Li, I have never noticed anything strange about them. If there is a real relationship between them, but the servant has never seen even a slightly wrong look in the eyes. So the servant really dare not say anything nonsense."

"Zi Xing has always been good at acting. If she really doesn't want people to find out, it's useless for you to stare at her. If there's nothing, and she stays together in the middle of the night, who will believe it?" He Lian Yueru had a gloomy face. road.

"Then what should we do?" Baoling asked.

"King Ning always thought that Zixing was interested in him, and he wanted to use Zixing. If Zixing is interested in Duguhan now, there is not much chance of marrying King Ning. As long as it is someone she wants to marry , Father will not stop you."

"Princess, do you want King Ning to marry Princess Zixing?" She couldn't tolerate a princess of the day and night, let alone a princess of Zixing who was more beautiful than the day and night, Baoling asked tentatively.

Helian Yueru gave her a cold look, "I can have what I have day and night, so I have to die every day. But Zixing is different. If I really want to kill her, it's easy. To deal with such a means as Zhaoxi , I have a lot of people, and her Zixing is not an iron wall, can she hide every time? The things I did to her were just to ruin her reputation, so that King Ning could act as an affectionate person and marry her easily. To her. You know, the potential power of the person who has obtained Helian Zixing is beyond your estimation. The power of Dingguohou's mansion, even Duanwang's mansion, as long as they use her name, they can do many things And these things, as long as she has her identity, it doesn't matter how bad her reputation is. Who let the father and the empress dote on her so much! And these things, even if I kill Zixing, I can't Got it. If you really want her to die, it will be after King Ning has achieved great things. I will not be so stupid as to want her life now."

"So, if Princess Zixing really likes General Dugu, then King Ning won't be able to marry her, right?" Baoling also understood what she meant.

"Why do you think I know they have problems, but I never make a fuss about it? With Duguhan's current status, it is not impossible to marry Zixing. Besides, he is also on the list that King Ning wants to get rid of." Among them, as long as he is given a chance, he will be able to climb higher. Besides, as long as he marries Zixing and becomes a king, it will be a matter of time. So, that person, no one can be Duguhan. He and King Duan are life-and-death friends, if he becomes a son-in-law, wouldn't it make it even more difficult for King Duan to deal with?"

"Then what are we going to do now?"

"If you can't deal with Zixing, then deal with Duguhan first."

After Helian Yueru finished speaking, Baoling instinctively let out an 'ah', tinged with surprise and fear.

"General Dugu is a military commander. His martial arts might not be inferior to that of King Ning, right? How should we deal with him?"

Helian Yueru reached out and patted her on the head twice, "Duguhan is a hero, what's the use of being better at martial arts if you want to deal with a hero?"

(End of this chapter)

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