Chapter 491
When Nangong Hao stretched out his hand and dangled in front of Helian Libai's eyes, Zi Xing knew that such a scene would happen.

"Back off." Helian Libai came back to his senses and shouted unhappily.

Only then did Liubo and Liuying stop their hands, and Nangonghao's eyes flashed with sternness.

He looked at Zixing coldly and asked: "I don't know why the princess and Miss Li Bai came to Prince Ning's mansion on purpose?"

"Li Bai first came to the capital and stayed in the palace for a long time, so I asked Ben Gong to take her out for a walk. Passing by Prince Ning's Mansion, Ben Gong remembered the matter of Mr. Nangong. I heard that Mrs. Nangong's wife had just given birth recently, so I deliberately Come and see the kids."

Hearing what she said, Nangong Yu smiled slightly, "The princess is worried, but the second brother made a mistake and deserves to be punished. The second sister-in-law is still in confinement, so it is inconvenient to see guests. Please forgive me, the princess."

"Is King Ning issuing an order to evict guests? We have already arrived here, even if your second sister-in-law is inconvenient to meet guests, there should be a cup of tea, right?" Helian Libai asked in front of Zixing.

"Miss Li Bai misunderstood, how dare this king issue an order to evict the princess and the lady. Please come in." Nangong Yu turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Helian Libai made a face at him, took Zixing's hand and entered the gate together, just as she entered the courtyard, she stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked at Nangong Hao in a somewhat unclear manner.

"Who are you? Why have you been following us?"

Nangong Yu hurriedly said: "This is my eldest brother, Nangong Hao."

"Brother? Why isn't the hereditary title passed on to the eldest son? Since you are not the eldest son, how did you inherit the throne of King Ning?" Li Bai asked perfectly naturally.

Nangong Hao smiled nonchalantly at the corner of his mouth, and said to her intentionally with a bit of sting: "Miss, I am the bastard son of my aunt, so naturally I am not qualified to claim the title of title. I wonder if Miss is satisfied with such an answer? Miss Li Bai is Don't you like to take care of other people's affairs? Are you going to be a guest? Or do you want to enter Prince Ning's Mansion to be the future hostess? Is there anything else you want to inquire about?"

"Brother." Nangong Yu knew that he was in a bad mood because of Nangong Chao's incident, so he contradicted Helian Libai like this.

He has never been a person who can't hold back his thoughts, but the matter of Nangong Chao is a pain that cannot be underestimated for him.

Old King Ning is dead, and his biological mother is also dead. Although the three of them have always watched and helped each other, he and he were not born of the same mother after all.

In a sense, Nangong Chao is Nangong Hao's only relative.

Nangong Yu can use anyone, including his two elder brothers.

However, these two people are also his right-hand men, and now they personally cut off an arm, the pain is beyond the comprehension of others.

He also knew that without the two of them "fighting bloody battles" ahead for him, it would be impossible for him to hide in Prince Ning's mansion and plan strategies leisurely.

To be honest, seeing Zixing today, he was not as happy as usual.

I always felt that there was something deep in her faint smile.

And the daughter of Xu Wang, Helian Libai, her clear and straightforward eyes also made him a little uncomfortable.

This is still something that has never happened before. You must know that King Xu's affairs are easy to make a fuss about, and it is also easy for him to catch him. Helian Libai may not be a good pawn, not to mention her eyes are so simple and simple. You don't need to bother, you can guess what is thinking in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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