Chapter 501
When Zixing walked in, she saw Situ Jing standing on the corridor, and Nangong Ling standing beside her. They both frowned and looked at Cao Xiurong running wildly in the yard.

A group of palace maids and eunuchs followed her, wanting to catch her, but afraid of hurting her, or being hurt by her, they surrounded her hesitantly, following her a bunch of people ran eastward for a while, and for a while. Running west, coupled with the appearance of Cao Xiurong yelling nonsense, looked like a farce.

"What are you doing? How decent is it to catch her?" Situ Jing got a little annoyed again, and shouted.

When she gave the order, two eunuchs rushed forward together, pressing Cao Xiurong's hand one by one.

Who knew that Cao Xiurong suddenly became even crazier, biting one eunuch's hand, and the eunuch let go of the pain, but the other one couldn't grab her, so she was out of confinement, and rushed in front of Situ Jing, Nangong Ling She took a step back in fright, but Situ Jing stared at her without moving, and said sharply: "Cao Xiurong, do you know what you are doing? If you are really crazy, I don't care about you, you If you pretend to be crazy, then you are going to spend the rest of your life in Jingning Palace!"

Cao Xiurong looked at her and even trembled in fear.

Her eyes were a little confused, as if something wanted to break through her body, but something firmly grabbed her thoughts. In the end, under Situ Jing's stern gaze, she tried hard to regain her senses, or Failed to control her body and mind.

Nangong Ling said at the side: "Cao Xiurong, stop making trouble soon, the Empress will not harm you."

"Hit me?" Cao Xiurong tilted her head and murmured. No one could understand what she said, but her short silence gave the eunuchs a chance. When they tried to catch her again, she suddenly opened her eyes wide. He glanced back, pointed at Situ Jing and shouted hysterically: "Help! The queen wants to kill me, the queen wants to kill me. The queen wants to kill me, help! Your majesty, help!"

As she said that, she turned around in a circle, as if she was looking for something, touched the messy bun, suddenly pulled out the hairpin, and stabbed at Situ Jing without thinking.


Zixing hadn't finished speaking yet, Yinuo had already jumped up, using his feet on the heads of several eunuchs, he landed in front of Cao Xiurong and landed in front of Situ Jing, and when he turned around, he happened to catch Cao Xiurong who was about to hold the hairpin He went to stab Situ Jing's hand, twisted it backhand, and Cao Xiurong knelt on the ground instead.

"The queen hurt me, the queen hurt me..." Her roar turned into a mechanical repetitive murmur after kneeling on the ground.

The concubines who were watching the fun outside looked at the people around them with strange expressions.

Everyone could hear clearly what Cao Xiurong said, and those heart-piercing shouts made the air in the entire Yaofeng Palace feel strange.

Everyone suddenly became silent. This quietness was also dangerous.

Zi Xing looked back at them, they all smiled awkwardly when they saw Zi Xing turned back, but no one was willing to leave first, and wanted to see what would happen next.

"First lock Cao Xiurong in the side hall and send someone..."

Situ Jing was about to give instructions on how to arrange Cao Xiurong, but Nangong Ling suddenly said, "Empress, this seems inappropriate?"

"Why isn't it suitable?" Situ Jing turned to look at her and asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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