Chapter 503
Not long after, someone came and asked Situ Jing to go to the imperial study to meet the saint.

Situ Jing was not surprised, but asked, "Who has seen the emperor?"

"If you go back to the empress, no one goes to see the emperor. After the emperor came to the harem, he ran into the concubine Zhen. Originally, the emperor was going to come to Yaofeng Palace, but later he went back to the imperial study and asked the servants to invite the empress. Ma'am go."

After hearing this, Zixing said with a smile: "I said that the father will not listen to those nonsense. The mother should go quickly!"

If Helian Longyi had any doubts, he could come to Yaofeng Palace to ask, but he didn't, so he went back to the imperial study room, just to give Situ Jing a chance to clarify for herself.

Concubines in the harem are not allowed to go to the imperial study to meet the emperor without authorization.

If he came to Yaofeng Palace by himself, those concubines who heard Cao Xiurong want to stir up trouble, they could find an excuse to come to Yaofeng Palace to sow discord at any time, but when they went to the Imperial Study Room, there were only the two of them, so there was no need to listen to anything What others say.

Situ Jing and Zixing understood what Helian Longyi was thinking, and they both smiled at each other.

This trust is invaluable, and this opportunity is not available to everyone.

Situ Jing was relieved from the frustration she had originally had because of Nangong Ling's framing.

She hadn't done anything, so she was not afraid of what others would say, but she cared about Helian Longyi's trust in her. With his trust, even if the whole world misunderstood her, she was not afraid.

Situ Jing went to the imperial study, and Zixing knew that there was no need for her to intervene between her and her father.

The father and the queen gave the mother a unique trust, and the mother would not let herself be imprisoned.

She went to another place.

Ganquan Palace.

Today's Ganquan Palace is very quiet, usually as long as you walk to the gate of the palace, you can hear the laughter of the concubines inside.

Now, the emperor spends less time here, and the concubines naturally come here less.

I don't know when it started. When the father came to the harem, he would go to the Yaofeng Palace, or accompany the mother to eat, or play chess with her. Even in the last life, there was no Shen Fengyi between them. At that time, the father and the emperor never treated the mother like this.

Most of the time, he came to Ganquan Palace, because here in Nangong Ling, there were birds and flowers, laughter, and Yaofeng Palace was always serious.

When did the father start to like the calmness of the mother, Zi Xing didn't know.

Some changes are beyond her control.

And such a change, even though it was beyond her expectation, was something she was delighted to see.

Nangong Ling sat alone on the imperial concubine chair she used to sit on when receiving concubines.

Nothing has changed, there are still many positions, and the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant and pleasant.

It's just that this seat was empty, and she was the only one tasting the fragrance in the huge garden. There was a jug of sake in front of her, and tiny osmanthus petals fell into the glass filled with wine.

"Why are you sitting here alone? Why didn't you invite other ladies to sit here? The sweet-scented osmanthus in Oasis Palace blooms the best, and you can smell the fragrance from far away." Zixing walked into her, without guards. Then, she came in without communicating.

"The emperor doesn't like to come here now, and there are many reasons to shirk calling them. Today's Oasis Palace is still the same as it used to be. I don't know what is wrong with it, so that the emperor doesn't want to come here again. "Nangong Ling took the wine, ignored the petals floating on it, raised his head and drank it.

(End of this chapter)

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