Chapter 506
"Mother and concubine, my father has the same difficulties as my father. Above the court, Mr. Cao pointed the finger at my second cousin. At that time, he was the minister of the Ministry of Industry, a person who engaged in personal fraud. With so much evidence and so many people participating in the concert after the incident, even if the father wanted to save his life, he would be powerless. If we continue to investigate, more people will be implicated. Father cannot Seeing you, if you still make such a decision after seeing you, it will really hurt your relationship as a husband and wife. Don't hate the father, although the father refuses to see you, he refuses to let you intercede for the second cousin. But Fortunately, he was the only one who died, and no one in Prince Ning's Mansion was implicated. If you continue to investigate and find out something else, what are you going to do? The Nangong family does not have only one Prince Ning's mansion, no matter what is involved Who is it, mother and concubine, you don't even want to see it?"

Helian Qingwei's words stunned Nangong Ling for a moment, she looked up at her, and said with a little relief: "Qingwei, you have grown up. You used to be unwilling to talk so much with the concubine mother. It is the concubine mother When I talked to you, you just evaded a few words. After the concubine died, the concubine mother almost never saw you laugh again. It is useless to be a concubine mother, and cannot promise you a carefree future. Even if I have an assistant The power of the harem is still dependent on others. She refuses to intercede for me, but I still want to thank you. I only have one daughter in this palace, if you can be like Zixing..."

As she spoke, she also felt that she had said something wrong, so she smiled wryly and sighed, replacing what she wanted to say.

If Qingwei could speak in front of the emperor like Zixing, instead of just being a daughter, obeying his will, and gaining a chance for herself to express her thoughts, then she would not be able to do so today. It was so embarrassing.

Helian Qingwei didn't speak, the wish of the mother concubine seemed very simple.

But how difficult is it to really do it?

Zi Xing is not the only princess in the palace, there are so many princesses, who can be like Zi Xing, who can stand by his father's side openly and aboveboard when any major event happens.

If she wanted to, she would have a way to influence her father's decision.

It can also make the father willingly "let her be at the mercy of her".

Although she had envied Zi Xing's 'arbitrary behavior' in front of her father, she had won it by herself.

When the father was frowning, they embroidered in the palace and chatted about family affairs.

But Zixing is trying to find a way for her father, using her method to solve his father's problems.

Therefore, she is envious, but not jealous.

Because it was what she paid for, she didn't have the ability to share her father's worries, so she didn't expect her father to treat her like Zixing.

What the concubine mother said made her a little sad. At this moment, she could still only say a few words of insignificant comfort, but could do nothing.

Fortunately, she has experienced everything that other princesses have not experienced, and she has already taken many things lightly.

In my heart, I didn't care about what the concubine mother said about her.

"In the evening, you go to see Chaoer for Ben Gong. Ben Gong has no face to send him off for the last time. As an aunt, Ben Gong can only do so well. You tell him, Ben Gong will take good care of him Child. Watch him grow up, do everything possible to ensure a good future for him, and never let him go the way of the nest again."

(End of this chapter)

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