The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 511 The Northern Desert Declares War 4

Chapter 511 The Northern Desert Declares War 4
"About Bei Mo, do you know?" Zixing asked.

Duguhan lowered his head halfway, Zixing couldn't see the expression on his face at the moment.

"The emperor hastily summoned all the ministers and princes to enter the palace. Of course I know about it." He returned.

Hearing this, Zixing always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't realize it for a while, so he continued: "You are doing a good job as the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and the emperor is also very dependent on you. Qian Don't be brave in this matter. Leading troops to fight is not only related to your own future honor and disgrace, but also the honor and disgrace of the whole of Xiyue. The price is too high and the burden is too heavy. Do you understand what I mean?"

Duguhan looked up at her, and in that cold gaze, something faintly jumped twice, like a spark that was about to go out, and finally burst into light, and was finally buried under the ashes.

He didn't respond, Zixing frowned.

An inexplicable part of her heart collapsed, and she knew that it was loss.

She came here because deep down in her heart, she hoped to get an answer from him, hoping to hear him say that he would not go.

In the past, she thought that Duguhan was desperately protecting a meaningless wooden box because of his young age and ignorance of the world.

She believed that at that moment, he didn't want to die, but was persistent to protect one of his beliefs.

She believes that everything he does for her now comes from his sincerity, from a word of 'love' that he has never said to herself.

If you like someone, maybe you only need an instant to understand your heart.

Do everything for the person you like, maybe you can't move others, but you can move yourself.

But before she was moved, he was already tired of this game that could only move him.

With the temptation of power and status, his eyes were placed further afield, even if it was a gamble for the one who gave everything.

She knew long ago that sooner or later it would be like this.

But when this day really came, she would feel lost.

She still held that little bit of luck, thinking that he would listen to her, at least, say something perfunctory to her.

But he said nothing.

Perhaps this is the difference between him and Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu would hide his ambition so that she would not find out until the last moment, but Duguhan would choose to face it in silence, even though he knew what she wanted to see was not such a situation, but he lied even I don't want to either.

She should be thankful that even when he finally started chasing power, he was still honest with her.

She took a deep breath and said with a smile: "This matter, maybe it's just my worry. How to decide depends on the result of the discussion between father and the ministers. If you are not selected, I will be happy for you. But, If you are really chosen, I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, princess, for making it happen," he said.

This sentence made Zixing feel a little embarrassed. Yes, she used to take the position of commander of the Imperial Forest Army to trade him to do things for her. At that time, she thought it was fair, just to use each other, and she didn't want him Mix any personal emotions in it.

Now, why is she going to stop others and fly higher?

"Don't worry, I said before that I will help you get what you want. As long as you are still loyal to me."

(End of this chapter)

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