The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 516 The Northern Desert Declares War 9

Chapter 516 The Northern Desert Declares War 9
He Lian Yunhai continued: "Even though he had something to show off at that time, but I grew up in the palace, if there was one of us princes who could have his talent and virtue, he would have already become an emperor in front of his father." The capital to show off. But he concentrates on feeding and washing horses in the stable. I am not Bole, but he is a real horse. After that, I kept him by my side and found a master to teach him martial arts. You know me How many masters did you hire for him?"

Zixing shook her head, even though she often played with Sixth Brother and Xiaoqi in the past, she never asked about their relationship.

It seems that from the time she was sensible, there was Xiaoqi by Brother Six's side.

She always thought it was a very natural thing, and she never knew much about Xiao Qi's past.

Helian Yunhai looked at her serious look and laughed, "Actually, I don't know, I only know that no matter how famous a master is, as long as he teaches him for three months, he will definitely be defeated by him. Maybe The master I invited is not strong enough, anyway, Xiaoqi is in my eyes, as long as he is determined to do something, he will not be unsuccessful. I have fought side by side with him for so many years, on the battlefield , We were injured together, and we spent sleepless nights thinking about countermeasures together. Although it was the first time for him to lead the army alone without me, when I saw him get bloody on the spot, I was very sure that he would return triumphantly."

He said, his serious expression just now changed suddenly, he leaned lazily on the railing, squinted at Zixing and asked: "When he returns, can you promise me one thing?"

"Huh?" Zixing looked at him in confusion.

Helian Yunhai stood up straight at once, "Xiaoqi is back, can you also consider your future son-in-law candidate? I'm not saying that you must choose him, but at least think about it."

"Why?" Zixing asked back.

"Because he will treat you well."

"Are there not enough people who treat me well?" Zixing asked with a smile.

"Because he will treat you with sincerity. If it was someone else, I wouldn't say it. Anyway, it's not up to me to decide their marriage. It's you, I will say it. Since you can choose it yourself, naturally you want it." Choose someone who will treat you sincerely and is enough to match you." He said anxiously.

Zixing smiled and didn't speak again.

Helian Yunhai pointed at her and said: "Oh, if you don't talk, I'll take you as acquiescing! Just to let you think about it, besides, I just saw that you have been getting close recently, Xiaoqi is a person who doesn't like to talk , If I don’t speak for him, he will never tell you his thoughts in this life. You have come here to see him off. Don’t tell me, you really don’t know his thoughts at all. "

Zixing glared at him, "You really are a good brother, even for such a thing, do you want to speak up for him?"

"Don't be so stubborn, let me tell you, Xiaoqi is eighteen this year, if he really made a military exploit, then his father should give him a marriage in return, such a sweet pastry, you can grab it even if you don't want to." It's not here."

"He went to the battlefield for you, and you temporarily took over the Imperial Forest Army for him. You should think about how to arrange the guards in the palace! I'll go back first." Zixing stopped listening to him and got off the observation deck.

"Don't listen to the old man! Don't regret it in the future!" Helian Yunhai shouted exaggeratedly behind her.

Zixing smiled to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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