The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 518 The Northern Desert Declares War 11

Chapter 518 The Northern Desert Declares War 11
After Duguhan brought the army to the same city trampled by Beimo, it was not his bad luck to go to the third prince of Beimo.

He ordered the army to set up camp, close the city gates, and only defend but not attack.

In one day, the third prince of Beimo, Baili Mingcheng, beat drums and attacked the city three times.

Duguhan stood on the tower in person, only able to defend the city, and once the soldiers from Beimo withdrew, he would die.

Cao Lin knew exactly what kind of determination he had to come here when he made the blood test, so he never refuted his order. Similarly, he looked at this young man who could do so The calm general couldn't help admiring him. You must know that a person who is eager to make merit for himself, especially at his age, is easily deceived by a simple victory.

He used to worry about such a problem, but when he looked at the unsmiling Duguhan in silver armor, there was no joy in his firm eyes, as if he was always so calm.His heart, which had been hanging all this time, gradually let go.

After the third siege failed, looking at the corpses strewn all over the field under the city gate, and hearing the sound of the drums subsided again, someone couldn't help but ask, "General, why didn't you take advantage of the victory to pursue it? After three sieges, they have already The casualties are serious, if they catch up now, they will be caught off guard. Why not wipe out the deserters who have thrown away their armor and armor?"

The person who said this was Zhou Qi, the second son of Duke Zhou.

Zhou Guogong was born as a military general. Needless to say, his military achievements are outstanding. The eldest son Zhou Yu has also been stationed at the frontier handed over by the Canglang Kingdom, and he also holds the military power in his hands. The second son Zhou Qi has just grown up. This time Duguhan came to the In the same city, there was Cao Lin as the deputy general, so Zhou Guogong wanted to give him a chance to exercise, and asked him to come with him.

He is a year older than Duguhan, and he grew up under Zhou Guogong's education since he was a child. He is inevitably a little arrogant. He thinks that he is more familiar with military books than Duguhan, and he has the words and deeds of his father and brother. No matter what, he is better than this man who started as a groom.

He even asked Zhou Guogong to take him to face the saint when he heard that the coach this time was Duguhan. He said that if Duguhan could be the coach, so could he, and he would only do better than him.

Of course, this idea was first denied by Zhou Guogong.

He only asked him if Duguhan had the courage to set a blood test in front of the emperor, and if he couldn't return victorious, he would kill himself and apologize.

He believed in his heart that Duguhan was just a general who became a monk halfway, but he had brute strength and better martial arts. Zhou Guogong blocked him with words, and he had nothing to say, but he was full of sulking in his heart.

So after the three sieges of Baili Mingcheng, he wiped his face with his hands indiscriminately, and asked angrily.

Before he set off, Zhou Guogong specially told Cao Lin, he also knew his son's temper, even if Duguhan couldn't make him obedient, Cao Lin could do it.

When Cao Lin heard him ask this question, he gave him a hard look and said, "If you have any questions, go back to the barracks. Is this the place to talk?"

"The general is willing to be a coward, but I don't. Why don't you take advantage of such a great opportunity and pursue it?" Zhou Qi roared, completely ignoring that there were many soldiers beside him.

Just as Cao Lin wanted to reprimand him again, Duguhan turned around and walked in front of him, looked at him coldly and said, "Those who disobey the military order! Behead! I'll only say it once!"

(End of this chapter)

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