The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 527 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 1

Chapter 527 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 1
"They are just talking about it. Everyone has seen the matter of you and King Ning in the garden. King Ning is not married, and you are not engaged yet. If the two are really happy, it is not a big deal. They usually They have nothing to do, and when they see other people's little things, they like to gossip. You don't have to be angry with them. Just ignore them."

Helian Zhaoyang has always been dignified and decent. When she speaks, she discusses the matter as it stands, and she can't hear any flattery or ridicule towards others.

Her voice was also very gentle, listening to her, Zixing's mood inexplicably improved.

"I'm not angry. My sister hasn't entered the palace for a long time? Why don't you go to pay your respects to the queen mother?" she asked.

"Since my father arranged my marriage, I seldom come out. Before a woman leaves the cabinet, don't she have to prepare a dowry for herself? Just a set of wedding dress, I have spent three months embroidering flowers From picking patterns, to tailoring, to embroidery, I'm really busy and dizzy, and I don't have time to go out. Besides, the empress is busy with affairs. She was ignorant when she was a child, and always disturbed her. Now she is an adult. Could it be that you are still ignorant? By the way, it has been a long time since Bai came to the capital. I see that she and Yueru are very close. Now you don’t have anyone talking in the palace. If you don’t mind the chaos in my place Very soon, come and sit with me when you have free time, and Furong and I are always at a loss for words, and there is no one to chat in the boudoir. It just so happens that I am busy with work now, and when you are about to get married, you should also be busy. Learn in advance, and you won’t be like me in the future who don’t know where to start to prepare.”

Zixing laughed, and said: "Okay! My sister is famous for being a good embroiderer, and my mother and queen always praised you. If I say to learn embroidery from you, my mother will be happy."

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow, I'll have someone prepare some tea and cakes for you to come over to play." Helian Zhaoyang was a little happy that she would agree. No matter how dignified and restrained she was, when she was about to get married, there was always something in her heart. Worried and uneasy, but she really couldn't find anyone to talk to.

Her mother died early, and her father never took care of things. Now Furong's mother is in charge of the family. Although she is a legitimate daughter, Furong will be afraid of her outside. At home, she never takes her seriously. About her marriage, when her father was not in the mansion, she did not know how many sarcastic remarks were made.

She doesn't like to fight, and she doesn't want to disturb the house, so she always swallows her anger.

She also wanted someone to talk to.

Although, she felt that Zixing was still too young, it would be inappropriate to tell her those things, but when she saw Zixing sitting there alone, she felt that that feeling was the same as her feeling at home it's the same.

Everyone respects you and is afraid of you on the surface, because your identity cannot be changed, but once they get the chance, they will taunt you unabashedly.

The two of them didn't go far, when Helian Furong, her mother, and some ladies from other families also came to their side.

When Zixing saw Helian Zhaoyang and the people around Helian Furong, Zixing's eyes flickered for a moment, it couldn't be called disgust, but he seemed to want to avoid it.

"Sister, didn't you say you didn't come? Why did you still come? You didn't come with us, and now you came here alone with the princess. If others don't know, they think your mother treats you badly." ! Did you do this on purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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