The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 531 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 5

Chapter 531 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 5
In fact, in Situ Jing's heart, she has always liked Nangong Yu.

After what happened to Nangong Xiaoxiao, she was worried that they would harbor a grudge.

So she chose to turn a blind eye to Nangong Ling's killing of Cao Xiurong. There were indeed Nangong Ling's own reasons, and the other reason was Zixing's marriage, which made her choose to back down.

As for Nangong Chao, she will find another opportunity to explain it to Nangong Yu.

As long as Zixing is happy, she will arrange other things.

"Mother, I want to go to Xiaohuang's uncle's mansion to chat with sister Zhaoyang. She is preparing a wedding dress recently. I will learn embroidery, okay?" Zixing didn't want to continue discussing her marriage with Nangong Yu, twisting head asked.

"I haven't seen Zhaoyang for a long time. When you go in a while, bring some silk and satin for me. Think of it as the dowry that I prepared for her. Also, your uncle's concubine, Ben Gong I've heard of it, but they're just too lazy to take care of other people's family affairs. If they don't prepare for Zhaoyang's marriage with all their heart, you should take the opportunity to teach her a lesson. Don't let her forget her identity."

"Okay." Zixing smiled.

After Situ Jing left, Zixing changed her clothes, walked out of the bedroom, and saw Li Bai just came back from the outside, as soon as she saw her, she turned around and was about to go to the side hall.

"Li Bai, come here!" She called out to stop her.

Helian Libai paused, looked back at Liu Ying, and then turned around and walked towards her.

"I taught Liu Ying the rules of the palace. It doesn't matter if she hits Liu Xi, but if she doesn't restrain herself, not everyone will tolerate her like I do. You don't have to hold grudges against me because of this, There is no need to make a special trip to complain to the queen mother. Do you know what the result of your complaint is?" Zixing smiled, "Maybe tomorrow, maybe in the afternoon, maybe sooner, you will hear that King Ning and I will The news of the engagement. I don't think your original intention was to see such a result, did you?"

Helian Libai's eyes suddenly widened, "What? What did you say?"

"I don't know what the person who instigated you to sue your mother told you. But the next time you want to do something, you'd better think clearly. The result you want is not like this, but it is someone else I want it. If you become a son-in-law, you won't be able to marry another concubine. Even if you want to be King Ning's concubine, I won't agree. This is all your own choice, no wonder I've taken over love with a knife. "Zi Xing looked at her coldly.

"How is it possible? Sister, don't you know what I'm thinking? Why do you still agree? Don't you dislike King Ning? Didn't you say that he just has a good-looking face and is nothing? If that's the case, why are you still asking?" Did you do something like that with him? You clearly know that he is the one I want to marry, so why are you so shameless to seduce him?" Helian Libai cursed excitedly, pointing at her nose.

"You..." Liu Xu was about to speak, but Zixing raised her hand to tell her to shut up.

She smiled and said: "I didn't want to agree at first, but when I thought about it, if I didn't agree, I don't know what you will say outside. Today is the queen mother, and who will it be tomorrow? Since you want to take this If you want to make a fuss about something, then I will help you. How can I not appreciate your troubles? You should know in your heart how I treat you since you entered the palace. Hello Purple Star Palace, then I won't stop you from leaving. If you can't learn any lessons from this incident, I think you should go back to Minzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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