The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 536 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 10

Chapter 536 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 10
Before their carriage arrived at Baiyun Temple, Yi Nuo had already turned back. She reined in the reins, jumped down quickly, and directly lifted the curtain of the carriage and said, "Princess, the servants have already arrived at Baiyun Temple, and there is no eldest lady's carriage along the way." , and the slaves have already asked the novice of Baiyun Temple, and today their abbot didn't make an appointment with anyone at all."

Zixing took a deep breath, closed her eyes, her voice trembling slightly, "Turn back, we must find them. They came out in a carriage, no one will see them. Turn around and ask."

"Yes." Yinuo replied, and rode ahead of them first.

Liu Xu and Liu Xi were not sitting in the car anymore, even though they didn't know what happened before, they now feel that the situation is serious.

The housekeeper said that he came out to offer incense, but there was no sign of it.

They asked people along the way, but all they got was blank shaking of their heads.

When they came to a fork in the road, the guard driving the car stopped the car and told Liu Xu to go back and ask.

"This is a small road. It should be walked by the nearby farmers up the mountain to collect firewood, but there are traces of carriages on it. The guard asked if he wanted to go there and have a look." Liu Xu told Zi Xing what the guard said.

Zixing nodded with a cold face.

After they went along the path, they didn't go far, and the carriage couldn't get on.

Zixing got out of the car, saw the horseshoe prints on the ground, and knew that Yinuo must have found this place before they did.

She lifted her skirt, and Liu Xi helped her continue walking up.

One of the guards who went to explore the road came back and said: "Princess, if you go up, there is a flat ground, and there is a cliff in the past. I have checked that there are no wheel marks of the carriage on both sides, but there are marks on the edge of the cliff. The carriage should be carried by someone. The one that came up was thrown off the cliff. Also, girl Yinuo's horse is on it."

"Look around again, Yinuo is here, you must have found something."

Another guard then ran down, "Princess, I have found Miss Yinuo."

Zixing raised her foot and ran up, she didn't know if she stepped on the corner of her skirt, or tripped over something, she fell to the ground suddenly, and the stones on the mountain pierced her palm, but she didn't feel any pain, and she didn't feel any pain. She didn't feel how embarrassed she was at the moment, her mind was full of Helian Zhaoyang, that simple and kind smile just like her name.

Once, because of her carelessness, she let Shen Meng's lost child suffer the nightmare killing, and caused Yuanyuan, a girl who was about to get married, to die.

She really didn't want to hurt Helian Zhaoyang again this time because of her neglect and forgetfulness.

She knows too well what it feels like to be wrapped in despair.

She didn't want them to taste that kind of feeling at their happiest moment with longing and hope.

She is not Guanyin, and not everyone wants to protect her.

But because, she knew that she would never have that moment again, so she cherished even more, every woman like Helian Zhaoyang who can have hope, happiness, and calmly face all unfair treatment in the sun, Can not be like her, know the taste of despair.

But. . .

Fate seems to be reversed, but it seems to be so firm forever.

It dominates everyone's life, and not everyone can challenge its prestige.

Zixing stood there, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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